I read the context some weeks ago and it wasn't hard to see the prejudice and narrow-mindedness of your posts. You've convinved yourself of this... probably from news reports... and yet you lack the intellect to put it into perspective. YOU brought up racism, made generalisations and then tried to dump it on the Aussies.
The fact remains that you are in no position to make either statment. And no matter how you try and hide behind your false intelligence, those statements were uncalled for, untrue and CONTRADICTORY!
And in most countries and societies, holding deep hatred and prejudices about a country you actually know nothing about is something done by a 'crank'.
No they are not contradictory.
If i say 'the beachball floats in the air', someone construes it as 'you think all balls float in the air?' and i explain by saying 'try to differentiate: 1. beachball floats in the air 2. All balls float in the air", there is absolutely no contradiction.
And anyone who thinks so is rather sadly lacking in comprehension skills, to take an illustration into a contradiction.
And yes, i brought up racism- because the action of that fan was racist and he got away scot free.
For two, like i said- i would rather trust UN reports than jingiosm and general perceptions of a clearly biassed home-crowd.
Those reports are of extreme occurances, and it takes a true jamooke to assume that this is typical of Australia or any country. Australia is a large, regionalised and complex country that cannot be generalised. After all, if it were the norm you wouldn't hear about it so sensationalised would you?
I've been to Australia and I live in a country where alot of Aussie news is reported and I KNOW it's not typical of Australia.
Right. Do you want me to reel of Aussie history in racism ? How long ago was it that the Aussie govt. apologised for its treatment of the aboriginals ? Oh wait- they STILL havnt.
How long ago was it that OZ had a clear anti-white policy ? 20-30 years officially ?
How many countries have elected a near-KKK member into the parliament ?
And FYI, the report wasnt of
occurances but rather a UN survey on racism issues in Australia and Aussie government. Like i said, read and educate yourself- dont assume the content before reading it.
He was ejected from the ground. Your point is mute and Irrelevant, and you HAVE imlpied repeatedly that Australia breeds these people.
My impression(and i've voiced it in the past) is that these idjits are the minority in OZ but a bigger minority than in most other nations,given the prevalance of incidents and the attitude of international human rights organisations and the UN over such matters.
Besides- i've not seen anywhere being mentioned that he was ejected from the ground- can you substantiate it or did you just cook it up ? Not to mention,such actions fall under hate crimes in some countries who are more sensetive and sensible in dealing with such issues instead of sweeping it under the carpet.
Are yes, here we go with the cheap shots. You're sure I'm trash are you? despite the fact I'm better spoken than you and have little trouble running rings around you? You're sure I'm white? can you be sure?
I am just as sure on this as you are on Murali. I would've thought that with your 'massively superior intellect' you would be able to differentiate between a statement and an analogy.
Apparently not.
But then again, i didnt expect any better, given that you couldnt even differentiate between an example and a comment, taken mid-sentence.
PS: A wise man once said - thou art insecure indeed when thou toot thy own horn.