Go learn about Australian's election process. Over here you do not vote for the head of government, the party does. As such, there are no simple majority voting here. It is either proportional or preferential. Please educate yourself before you make stupid comments.
A democratic government by the very definition itself,is representative of the majority populace. And any action of the democratic government, by default, is to be taken as in congruence with the popular opinion. If an exception occurs, the onus lies with the populace to make this clear and not to be assumed as seen fit by individual agendas.
This might come as a shock to you, but not all Australians are white. In fact Australia is a multicultural society. Anglo-saxons are not such a big majority. Indians, Sri Lankans, Arabs, Africans, in fact whatever "race" you come from is represented in Australia with it's 20 million strong. So, when labelling people and judging their values, first LEARN what those are, second KNOW WHO they are.
92% of Australia is classified as Caucasian. Courtesy CIA factfiles. That leaves about 1.6 million non-whites. Not only is that insignificant in terms of %, its insignificant empirically as well.
Do i have to visit Australia to comment on that ?
So tell me how does OZ come even remotely close to the cultural diversity represented by India and China ?
How many 'major ethnic groups' exist ? how many languages ? schools of art, literature, music, food, dance, etc. ? How does it even REMOTELY compare to a nation where there are over 200 major languages ( ie, forming a substantial part of the population %-wise) and over 1000 languages in total, over 100 recognised major ethnicities, where the customs and culture change markedly between any point and 500 miles away from that point ?
To understand diversity of that scale, OZ doesnt even come close. neither that US, Canada or Britain. if you can envision entire Europe under one national banner, with each current nation being a province, you will get the general picture.
brilliant counter.
I wonder when these opinions change? Really or better yet, HOW? The best example for you to do is actually come stay here a while. That would be best.
If you can provide me with any bits of research or data, applied on a national level ( instead of personal level), that contradicts the UN reports and as such, i would consider the argument. But so far, all that has been is denials and personal testimonials.
Ironic, since when i made a personal testimonial about pentagenerians and such, it irked quite a few.