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***Official*** Australia in India 2012/13


Cricketer Of The Year
This seems to be comparable to a really toxic office environment where those at the the top have called in Management Consultants who suggest pointless, flavour of the moment, buzzwords (Mission Statement anyone?) and ideas that mean, and achieve nothing but fool the management into thinking they are moving things forward.

A little too much House of Lies for you.


Whatever it takes!!!
Whyis this weird? I am of th exact same view. What is weird is people attacking the other side IMO. Both views are reasonable.
as is mine and I guess SS. In fact, quite a few on this thread seem to have a similar view. Just think it is all gotten forgotten in the Benchy Vs Howard and Social stuff...



The dozy **** should be sacked until he learns to tie a ****ing tie properly.
It's tied pretty much perfectly but has swung to the side as he walks. Pretty obvious really but feel free to keep talking...

The Test side wouldn't be hurt but given Watson is probably the world's best limited over player let's hope he doesn't ditch international cricket altogether and become a T20 mercenary.
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This seems to be comparable to a really toxic office environment where those at the the top have called in Management Consultants who suggest pointless, flavour of the moment, buzzwords (Mission Statement anyone?) and ideas that mean, and achieve nothing but fool the management into thinking they are moving things forward. And lumping everyone together instead of seeing who each individual likes to operate differently.

Some of the reports here also suggets that certain members of the team have a great sense of entitlement without the record to deserve it (and even those with such a record should know it can go quickly).

I'm reminded of two great coaches - Clive Woodward (England Rugby) and Jimmy Johnson (Dallas Cowboys Superbowl Winner).

Woodward ensured his players were extremely well looked after - treated like VIPs in fact - but they knew that meant they had to work and behave in a manner which respected that treatment. This applied to everyone and, consequently, the top players set the mark that newer players kept to. With this in place all players were dealt with as individuals and an opinion from a debutant would be given the same weight as one from Martin Johnson, Richard Hill etc.

I can sum up Jimmy Johnson's philosphy in one quote from him (great advice for a parent, or teacher, or anyone): "If you treat someone as they are they will remain what they are. If you treat them as the could be and they should be they will BECOME what they could be and they should be."

Oh, and this situation :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Clive Woodward is a ****.


International Vice-Captain
A stressful week at work has been massively relieved by comedy provided by Clarkeh and the boys. Even when they can't compete on the field they still provide for their fans. Well played lads.


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Hilarious. Acting like you're not out every time, even when you're clearly out, makes the whole team lose respect for you. You want to support your bloke and arc up when he gets a roughy but when he's pulling that **** all the time..... that he's using up reviews would ramp the gear grinding beyond pain.

Plus, even worse, he wasn't performing. I'm sure the team got sick and tired of Yet Another Warnie Scandal(tm) but when he wasn't taking poles, such as in the WI in '99, he had to go. And, I might add, he had a similar level of dummy spit. Warne eventually realised he needed the team as much as they needed him (or more) and pulled his game together, got fitter, developed new deliveries, etc. I dunno if the same will apply to Watto, doesn't strike me as the re-invention type.
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International Regular
Hilarious. Acting like you're not out every time, even when you're clearly out, makes the whole team lose respect for you. You want to support your bloke and arc up when he gets a roughy but when he's pulling that **** all the time..... that he's using up reviews would ramp the gear grinding beyond pain.

Plus, even worse, he wasn't performing. I'm sure the team got sick and tired of Yet Another Warnie Scandal(tm) but when he wasn't taking poles, such as in the WI in '99, he had to go. And, I might add, he had a similar level of dummy spit. Warne eventually realised he needed the team as much as they needed him (or more) and pulled his game together, got fitter, developed new deliveries, etc. I dunno if the same will apply to Watto, doesn't strike me as the re-invention type.
Good point re: Warnie.

The fact that makes it worse though is that Watson isn't fit to lace Warnie's boots - at least Warnie was a once in a lifetime cricketer so he won us a heap of Tests. Same cant be said for Watto.

Had half a chance to be apologetic and cop it last night too, and he couldn't even man up when he spoke to the press.


International Coach
The weird thing for me is that I agree with quite a bit of what both benchmark00 and howardj are saying.

The players are absolutely at fault; they should blame themselves and accept responsibility for being rubbed out. Whether it was a worthwhile task or not is irrelevant; they were set something to do by the management and they didn't do it. If they didn't think it was worthwhile then they should have raised objections and voiced their opinions rather than just doing absolutely nothing about it.

That said, I'm also disappointed in how the management have handled this. Should the players have been punished? Absolutely. Should the punishment have been droppings? No way IMO. It smacks of cutting off your nose to spite your face; weakening the team to punish the players personally should really be an absolute last resort. They should've been fined heavily, had other privileges revoked and so on, and Watson should've had his vice captaincy stripped, but to drop them over this with no prior warning really is over the top IMO. This doesn't mean the players should feel wronged, because they deserve it, but the repercussions of this sort of punishment go beyond the players themselves and that's why I think it was over the top.
I too can see the principle that you need to follow directives (whether that be catching the bus on time, filling in wellness reports, giving feedback when requested etc). And apparently there have been a number of these minor infractions. However, good leadership/management/communication/disciplinary processes doesn't let it get the stage where you feel the need to blow the whole joint up on the eve of a series deciding Test by suspending players for another one of these minor infractions, especially when none of the four are unmanageable, defiant people like an Andrew Symonds type character.


Cricketer Of The Year
This seems to be comparable to a really toxic office environment where those at the the top have called in Management Consultants who suggest pointless, flavour of the moment, buzzwords (Mission Statement anyone?) and ideas that mean, and achieve nothing but fool the management into thinking they are moving things forward. And lumping everyone together instead of seeing who each individual likes to operate differently.
If you think a mission statement is pointless you don't know what you're talking about.


International Vice-Captain
fmd all this homeworkgate **** has made everyone forget glen ****ing maxwell actually played a test #victorianconspiracy


International Vice-Captain
also pat howard is a ****, albeit watson is just as much of a **** hes still the VC, and this is the second time howard has publicly attacked him and this time supposedly in the name of team culture and harmony, which is a crock of **** cause nothing is worse for team harmony than two people involved in the set-up having a little bitch fight in the media.

dont get me wrong watson is a **** but it would bust my balls right up the walls if some **** came in from another profession and started giving anyone who would listen his 2 cents on my performances

sack howard #wewantboof
