Just caught up on all of this weeks wrestling as I was travelling for work this past week and missed all the shows. Raw was a great show this week as this Nexus angle heats up. The matches were strong too and even though it was teased that Steve Austin is the GM, I highly doubt that's true.
Yeh, I doubt it is true, but a good little tease and the Nexus angle is certainly being booked very well to the point where one is inclined to watch the next show.
NXT was an average show and I'm finding it hard to support any of the rookies this season. Last season Bryan Danielson, Wade Barrett and Justin Gabriel really stood out to me and even guys like David Otunga and Heath Slater were charismatic enough to hold your attention. This year apart from Kaval, the rest are not that good.
Highly disagree. I think that this season of NXT is better than season 1. The rookies each have more character. Showtime Watson cracks me up, Kaval is obviously unique with his voice and in ring style, MM has an interesting tweener character and obvious star potential, Harris is the natural heel, Riley is a good obnixious heel, Cannon can **** off, and O Neill is a brilliant class act with Eli Cottonwood being genuinely strange.
My reservation is that someone with massive potential like Harris, booked as an evil heel will always struggle with the public vote, unless the thing is rigged somehow, but I'd doubt it, considering how low Harris did come and the fact that Kaval came in first.
Smackdown was a solid show but was nothing special. Christian turned on Matt Hardy in the tag match. I'm not sure whether it was an actual heel turn but Christian really does need to turn heel as he produces his best work as a heel. The Drew McIntyre segment at the start of the show was great, meanwhile Jack Swagger continues his transformation to being Kurt Angle.
I am loving the shameless turning of Swagger into Angle, it is actually quite funny and a good what-if to see what would have happened to Angle had he kept his hair in 2002

. Don't think Christian turned heel, more of a build up to the MITB match, but do think he needs a heel turn, captain charisma in his last years of his first WWE stint was comedy gol, and obviously, he is brilliant in the ring.
TNA Impact was a great show this week. The AJ Styles vs Kazarian match was a great sample for what these guys can do. I couldn't believe that TNA would give away the first ever match featuring RVD vs Samoa Joe on television but this is TNA so I tried to enjoy it.
Missed Impact, but do think that things like booking RVD Vs Joe on Impact show the true amateur nature of the booking, that is a big main event match, not a throwaway match with no build up. However, Victory Road looks a brilliant card, the main event is a bit poor, but it is otherwise a very strong card.