65 Shot by Wayne Rooney (Man Utd) right-footed from left channel (20 yards), save (caught) by Saul Deeney (Burton Albion). Inswinging corner from left by-line taken right-footed by Ritchie Jones (Man Utd) to centre, resulting in open play.
64 Goal kick taken long by Saul Deeney (Burton Albion).
64 Shot by Wayne Rooney (Man Utd) right-footed from centre of penalty area (12 yards), save (caught) by Saul Deeney (Burton Albion).
64 Goal kick taken long by Saul Deeney (Burton Albion).
63 Foul by Wayne Rooney (Man Utd) on Jake Sedgemore (Burton Albion). Direct free kick taken right-footed by Jake Sedgemore (Burton Albion) from left wing, resulting in open play.
63 Defending throw-in by Jake Sedgemore (Burton Albion).
62 Cross by Jake Sedgemore (Burton Albion), clearance by Phillip Bardsley (Man Utd).
62 Louis Saha (Man Utd) caught offside. Direct free kick taken left-footed by Saul Deeney (Burton Albion) from own half, resulting in open play.
61 Cross by Mikael Silvestre (Man Utd), resulting in open play.
60 Defending throw-in by Andrew Corbett (Burton Albion).Defending throw-in by Phillip Bardsley (Man Utd).
59 Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Ritchie Jones (Man Utd) to centre, shot by Wayne Rooney (Man Utd) overhead kick right-footed from centre of penalty area (18 yards), missed left. Goal kick taken long by Saul Deeney (Burton Albion).
58 Man Utd substitution: Guiseppe Rossi replaced by Wayne Rooney (tactical). Man Utd substitution: Ole Gunnar Solskjaer replaced by Cristiano Ronaldo (tactical).
58 Attacking throw-in by Jake Sedgemore (Burton Albion).
56 Attacking throw-in by Phillip Bardsley (Man Utd).
55 Attacking throw-in by Mikael Silvestre (Man Utd).
55 Handball by Shaun Harrad (Burton Albion). Direct free kick taken right-footed by Tim Howard (Man Utd) from own half, resulting in open play.
54 Goal kick taken long by Saul Deeney (Burton Albion).
54 Defending throw-in by Andrew Corbett (Burton Albion).
53 Shot by Kieran Richardson (Man Utd) right-footed from right channel (12 yards), missed left. Goal kick taken long by Saul Deeney (Burton Albion).
52 Defending throw-in by Phillip Bardsley (Man Utd).
52 Attacking throw-in by Andrew Corbett (Burton Albion).
52 Defending throw-in by Phillip Bardsley (Man Utd).
52 Defending throw-in by Phillip Bardsley (Man Utd).
51 Foul by Louis Saha (Man Utd) on Andrew Corbett (Burton Albion). Direct free kick taken right-footed by Andrew Corbett (Burton Albion) from own half, resulting in open play.
51 Attacking throw-in by Jake Sedgemore (Burton Albion).
50 Louis Saha (Man Utd) caught offside. Direct free kick taken left-footed by Saul Deeney (Burton Albion) from own half, resulting in open play.
49 Attacking throw-in by Gerard Pique (Man Utd).
49 Foul by Jake Sedgemore (Burton Albion) on Kieran Richardson (Man Utd). Direct free kick taken left-footed by Mikael Silvestre (Man Utd) from left channel, passed.
48 Foul by Jake Sedgemore (Burton Albion) on Guiseppe Rossi (Man Utd). Direct free kick taken left-footed by Kieran Richardson (Man Utd) from left channel, resulting in open play.
47 Attacking throw-in by Mikael Silvestre (Man Utd).
47 Cross by Keith Gilroy (Burton Albion), save (caught) by Tim Howard (Man Utd).
46 Defending throw-in by Mikael Silvestre (Man Utd).
46 Attacking throw-in by Mikael Silvestre (Man Utd).
45 The second half kicks off.