Warriors management need to be criticised, whether you agree with the rules or not it's your job to set up the team according to the requirements, Double , triple , quadruple check to ensure you have all bases covered on match day.
Now as per the rules, I don't mind quotas, but it needs to be realistic, 6 players of color minimum is far too high , 6 players of color wont be a problem when grassroot cricket is doing the heavy lifting of producing black talent , when the facilities in previously disadvantaged areas are up to scratch and we are producing batsmen that can score hundreds consistently at domestic level nevermind international level. The truth is it's the private schools still doing the heavy lifting , so government is using quotas as a quick fix solution to a problem that can be fixed only through good governance and investment. Looking at the system, 4 players of color minimum per XI without any subquota rule would be the right balance , cause right now their metrics are more about restriction than improvement.