Socerer 01
International Captain
Actually, Yah.
Let's get this straight pal so that no wrongful accusations are made here, by you or others.
To get this into context, Ballance gave the following reason for retirement, "I no longer have the desire to dedicate myself to the rigours of professional sport and this would do Zimbabwe Cricket and the game itself a disservice, should I carry on". He said this 5 months after agreeing a 2 year contract to play for Zimbabwe. It has been noted by commentators that the decision has come in the wake of the the Rafiq scandal, and seems to be widely accepted that there is a connection between the Rafiq scandal and Ballance's retirement.
So first, and most importantly, it's all of you who are talking out of your asses. Not me.
In terms of this discussion, the following is to be noted, for your information:
1. Good Areas Shane said that Ballance was "doing a Swann" *
2. I said that Swann retired due to physical issues not due to racism allegations.
3. I was accused by JediBrah of "nationalistic ravings"
4. I said Swann has never been accused of racism
5. JediBrah said Swann retired due to being smacked around.
6. I queried JB on the relationship between being smacked around and racism allegations.
7. I was criticised for making a strawman argument and not getting my facts straight, because Zimbabwe was not being smacked around.
Hope this helps
* This comment was made immediately after a comment about averages, but did not quote that comment and I had not made a connection between the two comments and assumed Shane's comment was in response to the OP.

hope this helps