This looks like the possible RR card this year:
The Rumble has a week card this year, so far....
US Championship
Booker/Orton vs Orlando Jordan
Trips vs Show?
Womens Championship Match
Trish v ????
WWE Championship
John Cena vs Edge(c)
JBL vs Boogeyman
World Heavyweight Championship
MARK HENRY vs Kurt Angle(c)...
Royal Rumble Match
Dunno about you guys, but apart from seeing how Rey and Orton go in the actual Rumble and seeing what The Boogeyman can do in the ring, that card doesn't look worth my money. Will still get it though, the Rumble Match never seems to disappoint me.
Langeveldt said:
What do you guys make of "The Boogeyman?".. He's just arrived on our screens in South Africa.. Seems to freak out the commentators
I'm a big fan of his work. He's managed to get over really quickly with both adults and especially with kids. I sure as hell hope he can do the biz in the ring though, especially as he's in a program with JBL. I'm not sure if JBL will do the job to him either, so he could have his momentum killed as early as the Rumble.
masterblaster said:
I know there was a 'favourite wwe superstar' thread back in the day, but still since this thread has picked up again, I'll ask some posters here 'Who's Your Favourite?' or 'Who do you mark out for?'
*Bret Hart - Quite simply the greatest ever for me. He was never too flashy in the ring but his ability to make it look "real" was unbelievable. My favourite match of his was one at The Royal Rumble against Razor Ramon. Bret truly made me believe wrestling was real in the ring. Also his persona of being the hero and standing up for good always captivated me. Then as I got older his famous heel turn on fans in the USA showed how if he wanted to he could have made a top line heel in his time too. Untouchable in my opinion, even if he was not a s charismatic as other guys just the whole "realism" that he brought to the table makes him my favourite
*Edddie Guerrero - Apart from the Hitman, no other wreslter has been able to reach out and make a "connection" with me as much as Eddie. What he went through to make it to the top was incredible. Even from a young age he had the pressure of living in the shadows of his father,then his size, style and race all were seeming barriers to becoming a ME star in the US. Then came his battles with addictions. He managed to overcome this and become IMO pound-for-pound the most complete wrestler going around. His versatility as a cheeky babyface or an edearingly evil heel meant he got over and stayed over no matter what. His death shattered me unbelievably and in a selfish kind of way I was angry at Eddie himself for denying us the chance to go wrestle with HBK ( my one "dream match" remaining at the time) , HHH or to see him put on more clinics with the likes of Angle and Benoit. RIP Eddie
*The Rock - Simply the most charismatic of them all. Despite being booed out of buildings in his initial babyface role as Rocky Maivia, the manner in which he transformed himself to the arrogant sum-b*tch heel that we saw in the Nation of Domination. IMO he was the best heel I've ever seen, especially during his stint at the Corporation and less so when he returned as the "sell-out." Hugely underrated in the ring where he was always a solid performer, he was a true all-rounder like Eddie. A lot of people feel his move to Hollywood tarnished his stadning as a wreslter but I disagree. Like Rocky said before he lined up against Austin at Mania X8 "Yes, the Rock is a sell-out, he's sold out this and every Wrestlemania he's ever been in." Damn, straight, along with the other icons in Hogan and Austin no-one could draw like Rocky, no matter what guys like Flair and Trips tell you. They are so far seperated from the others in terms of popularity it's not funny.
His many comedy skits with Hurricane stand out as my favourite ever.
*Kurt Angle - Not too much you could say about this guy except he is simply sensational. Another all-rounder and easily the greatest ever pure-wrestler to set foot into a WWE ring. Unfortunately him and Bret's time in WWE didn't co-incide but that would have been incredible to have witnessed. In the ring, the risks he took despite his neck ( anyone remember the moonsault of the top of the cage, or how he risked paraplegia to put over the still green Lesnar at Mania?) make him one of the toughest around. The guy is worshipped simultaneously in both proffesional and amateur wrestling circles, which has never before and probably will never happen again, he's an absolute freak. People seem to disregard his mic work too which in my opinion is absolutely brilliant. His ability to play the dorky pratt is unrivalled and his comedic skits with Austin and Vince and also his short program with Edge and Christian left me crying with laughter at times. I feel priviledged watching this guy, he will end his career as an all-time great, no doubt about it.
*Shawn Michaels- Might seem a bit bizarre considering how much I loved Bret, but anyone who saw Shawn wrestle in the 90's can't deny this guys class in the ring. As the saying goes, he could put on a classic with a broom and he proved it by putting on very watchable matches with the likes of Diesel and Psycho Sid. Truly outstanding in-ring talent, and as much as he riled people with his politicking (ie burying the likes of Bulldog and killing any cred the European Championship had) I 'd never turn down the opportunity to see him wrestle. As a face he was a bit bland but like honestbhairani said, his work as a heel in DX was top-notch. I truly hated the guy, absolutely sickened watching him on TV. He is just top class as a wrestler, even if his personality remains tarnished by the backstage stuff.
*D'Lo Brown- OKay, this one might be a bit wtf!?!?! for you guys considering the other guys I mentioned, but for some reason I always loved watching D'Lo in action. It was probably his time in the Nation of Domination which was my favourite stable of all time, but it was also his unorthodox style and my fascination with ebonics and black culture at that age which did it for me. Had a great little feud with Ahmed Johnson and was a solid performer in the ring, especially as a tag team wrestler.
Sorry for the long post guys, but hope you enjoy the read