Okay here are my thoughts ahead of tonight.
Dolph Ziggler (c) V Kofi Kingston (IC title)
These have been entertaining over the past few weeks, both go well in the ring, Dolph is one of the rising stars of WWE and probably the cream of the Smackdown heel midcard, Dashing Cody Rhodes & Drew McIntyre are there as well so it's no mean feat. Kofi has been a bit like he was in the feud with Orton lately, with a lot of aggression and the fans seem to like it. Dolph only won the title last week but I don't think that actually means anything, it's feasible that a few heels will go over tonight so Kofi might get the win here to give the fans something to cheer about. Then again, it might be a screwy ending to keep the belt on Dolph without him losing. Really not sure, which is always a good feeling going into a match.
Winner: Kofi (by DQ, Dolph keeps title)
Alicia Fox (c) V Melina (Divas title)
A lot of people are complaining about Melina getting the title shot so soon after returning but it makes perfect sense given she never lost the title and had to vacate it. I'm not enthralled about the prospect of this match, but Melina is the most entertaining diva in-ring, for my money.,
Winner and new Divas Champion: Melina
Big Show V Straight Edge Society
Another match that a lot of people are complaining about but hey, this is how Big Show should have been booked throughout his whole career IMO. Watch his elimination match at Survivor Series 99 to see what I mean (he went on to win the title later that night). The way I see it going is he manages to take out Gallows and Mercury but doesn't have it in him to overcome Punk, thus leading to a Punk-Show singles feud when Punk is fully recovered - they have plenty of time to build it as the next PPV is Night of Champions which neither is likely to be booked at I would have thought.
Winner: Straight Edge Society
Sheamus (c) V Randy Orton - WWE Championship
There are probably a lot of posts from me from 2009 declaring that turning Randy Orton face would be a mistake. I was wrong. What a success he has been in his face run, I would say in normal circumstances he is more over than Cena right now (the Nexus being so hated may provide Cena with bigger pops from time to time but in the same situation I believe Orton has more people behind him). A lot of people feel that WWE need to put the belt on him ASAP. I disagree, I'd like to see him win it next year at Mania by which time the fans should be, excuse the term, gagging for it. Sheamus is having a good run, enjoying him as champ a lot more than last time where you forgot he was champion until he came out with the belt. The shadow of The Miz also hangs over this match, I'm gonna say he won't cash in but I wouldn't be surprised if he did.
Winner: Sheamus
Rey Mysterio V Kane (c) - World Heavyweight Championship
Well if there is a shadow of The Miz over the other title match, this one has a huge Undertaker-sized shadow hovering about. Everyone seems to accept that it was Kane who vegetated the phenom, I'd be surprised if it was anyone else but stranger things have happened. Regarding the match, I am not sure. I am a mark for Rey Rey as you all probably know and would love to see him wearing gold again, but Kane has been doing a much better job as champion than we accepted. If he is to feud with Taker you'd imagine it being for the title but then again you could argue it doesn't need the belt. I'm really torn but I think Kane will emerge victorious and then, dong. However, I also think Jack Swagger may play some part in this, I don't know what but I just have a feeling.
Winner: Kane
Team WWE V Nexus (Elimination Rules)
Oh, I am so so so so excited for this and if you saw Raw on Monday, then I'd guess so are you. In fact, scratch Monday and replace that with since the beginning of June. Nexus have been a breath of fresh air, and they are so unbelievably over; they've even topped the merch sales charts the past two weeks.
There is a lot of intrigue surrounding this. First up, is one of Team WWE going to turn? Are WWE ready to turn John Cena heel, do they have faith in faces like Randy Orton to fill the massive void Cena going to the dark side would leave? As much as it was amazing, the heel turn of Stone Cold at Mania 17 is felt to be a big factor in the ratings decline that occurred in the subsequent twelve months. Some have speculated that John Morrison has been growing a beard because he is about to turn heel, interesting argument but would that really have the impact that the E would be looking for with such a move? You could argue it would push Morrison through the ceiling as a top-line player.
Who will WWE's 7th man be? The fact that they asked The Miz has me thinking it won't be him but from the existing roster I can't see anyone else worth picking - most of them were already beaten in a 7-on-7 against the Nexus a few weeks back. So will it be Daniel Bryan? There are rumours of The Rock? Is Triple H returning? Maybe the Undertaker will swerve us all and return in this one only to turn on John Cena?!
Yeah, as I said, this one excites me. Now I'm on record as saying Nexus should get the win here; they could lose and continue but with the money they are raking in you'd imaging Vince and co would want to keep this rolling, hopefully into next year - if this is sustained properly it could be blown off at Mania with a Cena-Barrett match which everyone already seems to want to see.
You're either Nexus or against us - I love Wade Barrett; I'm Nexus.
Winner: Nexus (Wade Barrett is the sole survivor)