T_C :
you are so wrong there man.
Errrr, well I didn't hear about this. I remember Steve's comments about Ganguly's method of captaincy (and especially when he gave the Aussie section in the crowd in India the one-finger saulte - poor show for an international captain) but that was it. Everything else sort-of died after Australia lost that series in India. So I have no idea what you're talking about in terms of a 'witch-hunt'.
Yes that incident was in serious bad taste. Ganguly should have been fined or suspended for that. Reminds me of the incident where Inzi attacked a indian fan for callin him fat potato over the mic many times. But i actually support the players in one way.
Ganguly was under immense pressure coz,
1. he took the captaincy from sachin. You alway have the resident trolls like Raj singh dungarpur, Lele and BEdi crawling out of their caves and whining abt it and getting media attention.
2. The affair with an actress he had was blown out of proportion by the media which feared he was going the azhar way.
3. This was played upon by indian media, explayers , aussie media, aussie current and explayers and amazingly english media..lol.
4. And he just overreacted still a mistake i agree..
would say that the biggest witch-hunt victim throughout his whole career (not just a small part of it) has been Warnie. Warnie is an idiot in many ways but geez, why is the fact he smokes actually news? His phone-*** thing is totally his and his wife's business and him abusing that kid in NZ was blown right out of proportion (regardless of whether he did it or not). As I said, he's stupid for getting himself into these situations but geez, most of the stuff he's been busted for has been barely newsworthy yet it's been front-page news.
I'd say that Ganguly has had a relatively light introduction to media pressure.
Looks like u lead a bit of a sheltered life here..

Warne's smoking thing was blown out of proportion coz HE TOOK A SPONSOR SHIP DEAL NOT TO SMOKE AND MADE TONS OF MONEY..Selective quoting ?eh?
His Phone *** thing was stupid. Yeah but it got no more media attention than ganguly's affair.
Physical assault alwys gets attention you can never gripe abt it buddy. ( even if it is not true)
And how come he didnt suffer more for his "weather forecasting" while he being an upstanding gentleman calls Ranatunga a disgrace and Malik corrupt..lol
Ganguly has had more media scrutiny than any one else in recent times. Half the media doesnt know him properly.BUt he is labeled as a spoilt kid.Arrogant.Royal family..give it a break.
Every man and his dog sided with waugh and had a go at him when Oz toured india. AND THE MEDIA HYPE DIDNT GO AWAY AFTER THE TOUR. Gavaskar has written in his columns so many times why aussies are concerned with indian team selection and captaincy even a yr after they lost?
As for Steve Waugh's failings a captain
As i have wrote before...when ever waugh came up against a captain with decent firepower he has come out second best. He is not the greatest of tacticians. Part of it can be attributed to the fact that he is so street smart that he must find it hard when his teammates dont match him in that aspect.
But to his credit he is loyal, inspirational and builds team spirit. Grt qualities.
ANd you are spot on that he plays favorites. Blewett,slats,martyn,Fleming, bichel,macgill..all have been screwed at some time by waugh while mark continues to hang on.
And yeah warne would have made a grt captain. But like Ravi shastri we can only speculate abt how good they would have been.
[Edited on 8/6/02 by scorpio]