State Regular
Yeah i have seen this too i agree again, i think i know the reason for that i just realize it today when i was talking to this Pakistani kid Imranrbb/ somthing and when i added this I-indian guy in my MSN list to ask about anti ganguly thing that he has.......Now both these Kidas are 14 and 16 Yr old and its shows from their conversation when u talk to them....vishnureddy said:O So i agree with you that some Indians forummers messages on this forum have been pretty funny/stupid . Some Indian forummers comments have been absurd on this forum but it is the same case with Pakistanis and some other forums.
I dont really blame these kids, coz i remember and i'm sure most of the people on this forum remember that when we were at that age, we would stood by what we believed was right, and we would argue to prove our points. but i'll be carefull when replying to them now.