This incident of Greg Chappell and the steaker is a classic!!(from the streakarama web site )
The One Where Chappell Grabbed Him
Greg Chappell was not known to stand back and let a streaker get away with it. On several occasions he chased a runner and made a "citizen's arrest" until the authorities arrived.
One of the first occasions was in Christchurch, where he tackled a naked man who was attempting to get over the fence, then "smacked him an admonishing blow on the bottom. The streaker turned and grabbed Chappell's cap. Chappell set out after him again..."
"I took his hand and didn't let go," he said. "When he realised the police were coming he tried to get away so I gave him a whack or two to quieten him down."
During a tense game, also in New Zealand, Chappell was batting when a student, wearing only headphones, ran towards the stumps. "I didn't know if he was going to try and souvenir a bail or some stumps," he told the documentary Streakers. "I put my hand out to shake hands with him, which he accepted. I had my bat in my left hand and gave him a couple of sharp cracks across the buttocks just to try and get him to stand still.
Finally the police got there and took him away." Distracted by the roar of the crowd, Chappell was run out the next ball.
The streaker went on to charge Chappell with assault. "I think what he did to me was worse than what I did to him." He did, however, maintain that the crowd enjoyed the spectacle.
In another incident, Chappell grabbed a trouser-less man by the hair, and hung on for several minutes, marching him to the fence to be arrested. Eventually, players were cautioned to leave the nude invaders to the police. Legal advisers warned that streakers could sue for damages if they were injured.
- The Telegraph, 31 January, 1977, The Sun, 21 December, 1979, The Sun, 31 December, 1979, Streakers