Some new player attributes in Battrick, surprised no-one has commented on them in CW yet:
Today we have introduced you to two new concepts for your players. Each player is now shown to have his own personal fitness level, and two seperate form values: one for bowling and one for batting.
None of these values will have any effect on your players performances this season.
However, they will start to effect their performances from the start of next season, and the values will change this season to show you how they will behave.
The new form values will have a similar effect as the old form, but they will effect only the batting or the bowling side of a players game. There will also be a combined form, made up of the batting and bowling form, that will have an effect for wicketkeepers and fielders. Thats the easy bit!
Now the players personal fitness level will not replace the teams fitness level that you currently see, but compliment it. The team fitness will have a smaller impact on your teams performance than it did previously, with the players fitness having a larger impact on his own performance. When a player plays a game, his fitness level will go down. When he has to do nets, his fitness level will go down, and the harder you train, the further it will fall. Fortunately though, each day of rest that a player gets will see his fitness level rise, as you would expect.This may leave you with some tough decisions to make as to whether you will play your star player in one more match when he is already drained, or one of the other guys who is invigorated and ready for action.
Use the time between now and next season to determine how best to utilise your squad. There will NOT be a reset of a players fitness level at the end of the season.
Good Luck!
I think the level of fitness for each individual player is a big improvement, the form for batting/bowling is a relatively minor thing in comparison - I think it's mainly there for guys who bat each game and occasionally bowl, and so this doesn't make their bowling form better simply because they're batting a lot. It will be interesting to see how this will changes things when it is implemented next season.