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  • Hi Fred - I'm battling the Cricketer Quiz again this year - wondered if you'd had a crack this year. Not posting answers on the web, but would be keen to share ideas via PM if you are willing? Cheers
    Yeah, basically the only access to the property is through a bizarre alley, it's actually built onto the back of one of the takeaways on the other street iirc. But yeah, Highgrove Street itself seemed alright to me, quite nice in fact, better than the Road I live on now at any rate. But cheers anyway, will pass it on.
    Guten abend,

    Just something that occured to me, I was wondering if you would be able to give a bit of advice on the local area with regards to housing. As I think I've mentioned before, I live on the Palmer Park side of the Uni Campus, but am looking to move into a new house for next year. We went to look at one today on the Shinfield road side...on what I believe is High Grove Street, if you are familiar? It's just off Christchurch Street iirc. But yeah anyway, basically the property we saw was great, really nice etc... Only real con was that the ONLY access to it, was down this very closed off, and I imagine very badly lit alleyway. As I'll be living with my Girlfriend I'm naturally somewhat concerned about this. Saw a bit of dodgy (maybe Gang related? Really have no idea) looking graffiti, just wondered if you being a man of the area for a good many years now would have any advice you might be able to offer on the area etc,..?

    Appreciate her help immensely. :) Are you sure you didn't want to enter by the way? Answers for 1-10 are already on the board and you've helped me with arguably some of the tougher questions - theres still around 2 weeks for entries to be submitted.
    No trouble now, quick wikipedia search has found the final piece of that puzzle. I was taking the "cricketer" part of the question too literally. :)
    Thanks again! I double checked your suggestions and found enough proof for all of your answers. In case you were wondering it was Pollard and Bruce Murray who pulled out of the test. I actually only have a few questions remaining, two of which I need to spend more time on statsguru but should get there eventually, plus 2-3 others I'll post up if I'm still stuck - I'm more confident than last year at this stage though!
    Many thanks for your input and searching for those answers. I had no idea about the Tallon one, nor the 1950s film.
    I think the first one may be related to Vic Pollard and someone else not being prepared to play Tests on a Sunday. The last one I think is Sam Palmer who was played by Jack Warner in a 1950's film called the Final Test. The Tallon one I am pretty sure about - The Home of CricketArchive
    in this game he was given out for 96 but Bert Oldfield raised an issue later as to whether he had hit a delivery that went for four byes so he was credited with those four later on
    Looks like I need not bring the TWC quiz to the attention of the SJS topic fanatics because Marcuss has done it for me, haha. The answers you guys collectively managed for 1-10 were the same as mine for confirmation.
    I don't blame you for lack of enthusiasm because its always a very difficult quiz! I'm going better than last year and theres still another few weeks before answers are due so I'll continue to search away and if I get stuck will let you know which questions I'm struggling on.
    Hey Fred - I remember last year that you helped me out with a couple of key question in the TWC quiz and I commented that you'd probably do very well if you entered yourself, are you intending on entering this year out of interest?
    Hi, was hoping you might be able to help me a little more with the essay I am planning to write for my course. Am definetly moving towards focussing on cricket between the wars partly because of the excellent Jack Williams book.

    What I really need is some good primary sources, ideally a couple of good autobopgraphies (one amateur and one professional) and maybe some interviews from the time.

    Would be great if you could recomend anything in particular.
    Yeah go ahead, I don't have it so I'll be interested to see what it's like. It may be reviewed in TWC but that hasn't come yet. I always meant to get 'Four More Weeks' from a couple of years ago, but never got round to it.
    Hi, just been reading your review of David Lemmon's book on Percy Chapman, very informative. I had no idea Lemmon was dead! But I do know that Chapman was a left-handed batsman, one of the best of his time. I'll look out for it - David
    Haha fair enough, no worries. Imagine there is a good chance the Walkabout would show some actually, but that's a bit of a trek to just go to the pub. Is a legendary place though, is where Mitchell and I go traditionally for our CW drinking sessions.
    Dear Fred,

    Do you know of any Pubs in the area that show NFL on TV?

    Kindest Regards

    Your friendly neighbourhood Sledger.
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