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  • Haha, I might've exaggerated a few things in mine. Like the week's work experience I supposedly had, which was actually 2 days in a Solicitors office drinking tea :)
    Will send via email.
    Hi Martin,
    I don't suppose you've had any experience with University Personal Statements, have you?

    As you seem to be minding the shop for Archie, do you know if we have a review for next week? I have finished 'Victory Tests' now, but won't be able to write my review until tomorrow at the earliest.

    'Bout time we had something from Stuart or Rodney isn't it? You and I seem to have been carrying the team lately.
    Thanks mate, interesting read.

    Think the courts should look at barnes tbh, surely no-one could actually be thaat inept

    Also, thanks for posting up that article today.
    Hey mate, do you have any links or info about the Grobelaar case? It's always interested me. And Hans Segers as well, as his cheating kept Everton up so I have never quite forgiven the ****.
    You could try it out with a Notepad file

    1. Open notepad
    2. Enter the links in the format I gave you below
    3. Go to save as
    4. where it says '.txt' change that to .html and give the file a name
    5. Close the notepad then open the file, it should open in your web browser
    6. Click the links and see if they work
    It sounds great.

    The only problem is that the article obviously has to be posted before it has a link so you can stick in Dave's old review and then the others will have to be quickly edited in once both posted.

    That's if I haven't got the wrong end of the stick.
    Haha yes, that makes sense.

    So you need to link the book review in the feature and vice versa?
    I don't think that would work.

    What are the links you want, I could post them on here for you to just copy into the article if you want?
    Quite straightforwards.

    I think you would do the following:

    <a href="Link">Title</a>

    For example

    <a href="http://www.cricketweb.net">Cricket Web</a>
    Hey mate,

    Was wondering if you could spare a few seconds to complete my survey. Would be much appreciated.

    Monash University Survey | Qualtrics Survey Software
    Hey mate, I would really love to see what proof you have about the girl in Prince's pic lol its_rob_bowen@hotmail.com
    Hey fredmeister, I was in my local charity shop, and I bought a book. Called Cricket Heroes, I know you lot love your old books and I'm guessing you've got this one, but it's from 1959 and got great cricket writers talking about great players.

    Also offers a chance of getting a laced-up ball on the back cover, I'm thinking of applying, coz it's got to be better then the jubalani......
    Hi, you might remember that quite a while ago I asked you about an essay I was planning on doing? Well I actually have to do it the damn thing now. Am looking at the interwar period, just need a couple more books I think. If you have the time would it be ok email you with a couple of questions?
    Letting you know I'm more than interested in following the debate with regards to your recent thread in CC :)
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