I know absolutely nothing, or very little about international coaches. Who would come at a high price and needs 'the cheque book' thrown at them?
Or is it as I expect, and the coaches you might want, don't really want $ at all (unless, obviously, it is mega bucks) but they want to be home 9-10 months of the year?
I'm not interested in the likes of Jason Gillespie, who has hopped around from side to side with varying successes. Malan, that might be different. We want a strong man manager, who will bring in the right support staff around him, not the standard fare we've thrown up over the last 5 years.
I look at Scott Weenink and the decisions he's made so far, and the feeble sound bites in public, and I don't back that this is a guy who wants to push NZ boldly forward with someone who might not tick the usual boxes on a CV. But I hope I'm wrong