Yeah, he gets the edge over Ambrose now. But I think his place is nowhere short of the other top 4 (except possibly McGrath).
CW consensus has only changed a little bit, in favor of McGrath, so that in the current order it's M & M, then Hadlee (who gets an a small, but committed contingent for top spot), and then a gap with Steyn.
But Steyn is the best strike bowler of the lot, and did it with less support than Marshall. There are other factors in favor of Marshall, notably more consistency, but I don't see Steyn as below him. And he had very different circumstances and style to both McGrath and Hadlee, so there's points in favor or against both in a comparison. But Steyn isn't truly seen as their peer and gets the short stick. Reasons for that could be many, including even demographics/rose tinted glasses, but I think Steyn really should be seen as shoulder to shoulder with almost any giant of the game.