Bloody oath it does. What it says is that he has to artificially craft responses because a) he is dumb b) he can't conjure up genuine remorse and sorrow for what he did, nor a decent explanation c) he and CA don't trust what he'll say in the heat of a presser because he might hurl 5 other blokes under the bus.It does say a bit of his character/maturity that he has to wait to front the media whereas Smith and Bancroft could give convincing apologies/conferences straight away.
Anything Warner says in his next presser is horse ****. It's now all scripted, meaningless PR rubbish.
As someone else said, Smith fronted openly and honestly, and earned a **** tonne of respect as a result. And truly fair enough, I respect the hell out of him for it. I feel sorry for him. Not Warner. I only think less of him.