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***Official*** Australia in India 2012/13


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people who think the rotation policy is common sense are generally on the side of the staff


International Coach
Watson is a simple man, who needs to feel wanted and to be given a defined role (we all work with someone like that...hell, I am like that)

Ponting gave him both and the results were fine.


International Regular
Disagree that the public is siding with Arthur/Clarke

I'd say it's fairly split
When the story first broke I'd say the public was with the suspended 4, but really feeling like the pendulum has swung the way of Arthur/Clarke the last day or 2 around the watercoolers.

May have a lot to do with how poorly Watson has handled the scenario though that the tide has swung.


International Coach
people who think the rotation policy is common sense are generally on the side of the staff
Yes, the corporate buffoons who want to get funky :ph34r:

Hate if you oppose the current informed player management and the suspensions, you're generally classed as old school.

It's far more nuanced than that


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Watson is a simple man, who needs to feel wanted and to be given a defined role (we all work with someone like that...hell, I am like that)

Ponting gave him both and the results were fine.
He got given a defined role. Batting at 4. Took it well..........

Agent Nationaux

International Coach
i'm gonna go ahead and say his manager can make a living without having Usman on the books.....

besides which, he mainly talked down on cricet
I don't disagree with that, but if you are going to talk **** about a client, what will others think when they evaluate you as a potential manager.


Evil Scotsman
Watson is a simple man, who needs to feel wanted and to be given a defined role (we all work with someone like that...hell, I am like that)

Ponting gave him both and the results were fine.
He had the same defined role under Clarke.

Then he started batting like ****.

Then he got injured.

Then he was moved down the order to try and help with his batting, since his bowling was still fine.

Then he got injured.

Then he decided that he cbf bowling.

Then he acted like a **** in India.

Then he got suspended.

Then he had a massive flounce.


International Coach
besides which he had two bad shorterned series as opener under clarke and as vice captain, which in my view was no basis for disturbing what was working a treat up until then


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but the basically same amount of innings since is? (It's like 10 opening and 14 in the middle.....)


International Captain
Think it's reasonable to say that being persona non grata with il Cane means you can eBay off your baggy green without too many worries.

Messrs Symonds and Katich can attest.


International Coach
Don't always agree with Jeh but his views are always worth listening to.
What if players refuse to attend the compulsory education sessions on drugs, alcohol, respect for women, social media etc? Most of these workshops that I run are compulsory attendance for all squad members.
he runs workshops for australian cricketers?


International Coach
its not that. but he seems to write pretty anti this and anti that type articles. seems strange to me to have a journalist with some pretty out there opinions running education for people he comments on?

the big bambino

International Captain
Jeh's article sounded like self justification imo. If the players want their big salaries then they'd better do the external things right: Like attend my compulsory classes on metrosexualism.

What a jerk. Player's incomes are still linked to their performances. How many sponsorship deals and $$$ has Michael Hogan got from cricket? Would that change much if he did only one of these things: Take more wickets and get selected or throw spitballs at Jeh's bald head while he was scribbling crap on a whiteboard?

Annoyingly he also justifies his self interest with a lot of what ifs. Yes Michael it would be bad if they kept playing up. Thats why you inform them of consequences and issue appropriate punishments. You don't set a trap with a hugely exaggerated punishment that basically torpedos your team's chances in a test and series. Not to mention screwing up morale. Anyway; hope to catch your next instalment at cricmisinfo.
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International Vice-Captain
So we could get just 3 changes for the 3rd Test, Haddin, Smith and Starc for Wade, Watto and Patto.

Ed (Gritty 44 and now an Ashes lock)

So Starc can take wickets and the batting looks average bar Clarke and Haddin. Good times.


State Vice-Captain
Even if Wade is playing I would play Haddin as a specialist bat because he is better than Maxwell and Smith.

My ideal team would be:



International Captain
Will spit chips if Lyon is out, considering Maxwell and Doherty both sucked royally last Test (Maxwell's tailend massacre notwithstanding, which Lyon could do better anyway).

Also rustles up a fantastic PowerPoint, I hear.
