I, for one, do not separate racists from guys who merely say racists things. If you say it, that's who you are. Harbhajan, Lehmann, Gibbs etc are all racists as far as I'm concerned. To what degree they harbor those feelings in their everyday lives is another matter.
If he did say it - I don't think Harby is a racist nor that he thinks he's superior to other races, I don't think Lehmann is one either. Nor Michael Richards for that matter. But racial vilification is unacceptable and should not be tolerated, regardless of the specific thought process behind the person saying it.
What you're all saying above is that Harbhajan (and the crowds) may not said what he did (allegedly) out of a confirmed belief in his superiority, but he did say it because of Symonds' race. My point is that Harbhajan's experience is also different from that of Michael Richards both of whom may have not had racist beliefs but clearly used race as a weapon. In Harbhajan's case I'm saying that Symonds' race was irrelevent. What was relevant is that he knew that it would hurt Symonds the way Symonds' words hurt him.AWTA. The issue is that racist comments aren't borne out of pure racism as such - but out of ignorance, a much more common affliction. What some Indian fans and Harbhajan have taken umbrage to is that we're accusing them of systematic racism. We're not. We're accusing them of being ignorant enough to fail to recognise that words that bear racist connotation might be construed as offensive elsewhere in the world.