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Why is it viewed as more important


First Class Debutant
Why do certain members of the community seem to have a heater affinity for bowling all rounders over other dual types of cricketers. I've made my arguments and the best I've received is that everyone has to bat, not everyone has to bowl. That doesn't quantifiably indicate how it's contributed to wins or even great teams, not even anecdotally. It could even be argued that it could be a sign of a brittle middle order.

So why do we believe they are better than batting all rounders, batsmen who are great specialist slips or even the rarest beast of all, the ATG batsman that's the the 5th bowler and specialist slip. I think all three are equal in value to a team and contributes to success. The difference being is that one is a safeguard / back up plan, one is there in utilitarian role and the last helps win games. So basically if **** goes bad, utility option and if all goes right.

Please the purpose is not to turn this into a Sobers vs Imran thread. Just hopefully for once, just discussion.

Looking for rational discussion, not shortpitched's beliefs that the top 10 players in history were all bowlers so ergo. We're just discussing / ranking the secondary options.
Bowlers win test matches. You have to take 20 wickets. Bowling AR (who are good) are worth their weight in gold. This is also why a great bowler adds more than a great batsman.


International Debutant
Only way to stop bowlers in your opposite team then is to have good batsmen. Hence batsmen are more important.
87% of the batters' innings in Tests end in a dismissal. Batters will eventually get out, there is no stopping bowlers from getting wickets.


Global Moderator
I could easily flip that logic around and point out that if the vast majority of innings end in dismissal anyway, and ignoring how long those innings lasted, then I could argue that there's little benefit in picking better, more specialised bowlers because the batsmen will get out anyway.

Cricketingview's thesis was reductive and simplistic ten years ago and it remains so today.


International Debutant
You still have to execute well though. It's not like Test cricketers are random people off the street.

And if we decide to ignore innings length, then this whole debate is pointless. No point asking about what's more or less valuable when you ignore what helps make a role valuable.
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Cricketer Of The Year
Isn't that literally what everyone would do, to everyone, about everything lol
Yes, yes it is.

Yeah, but nobody would tag that person and congratulate him for posting while ignoring 99% of the posts that go against one's own argument
That's not what I did. He and I disagree about most things, I specifically mentioned that. And that's part of the point though, it wasn't malicious or disingenuous.


Cricketer Of The Year
He has it both ways, calls Imran a cheat yet places him no.8 as a bowler (high but not too high) to maintain his respectability. He just doesn't like to be called out for his hypocrisy.
There's no hypocrisy. That's where I rank him.

And re "the high, but not too high", that's exactly where he's rated on the forum.

No higher no lower.

Why does everything have to be part of some conspiracy?


The Tiger King
That's not what I did. He and I disagree about most things, I specifically mentioned that. And that's part of the point though, it wasn't malicious or disingenuous.
You've never once satisfactorily addressed any of the points he raised. Just regurgitating the same stuff and saying we disagree


Cricketer Of The Year
dude the reason why i even left this thread was because you were taking the responses here too personally with your beliefs, my comment was to question if this was even a known publication since i’ve never heard of it but maybe another Indian did since this country is vast? it was also because some who brought in links to more reputable publications that called certain players greats and atgs were mocked a few weeks ago for posting drivel even if the content they posted was decent

as to the article, i watched that test series written and slip fielding was shoddy on both sides, however i would never claim that England won due to that or India lost due to it, that was clear to anyone watching the series. on the other hand if India had 1 more person holding up one end with the bat at Edgbaston to support Kohli they would have won the test, likewise England’s entire series win was down to Sam Curran making vital lower order contributions and picking up crucial wickets, you’ve been arguing mercilessly against the latter. India’s only win in that series? it was because a bowling all rounder turned the test around with a flurry of wickets, another thing you dismissed as being overrated

this is the sort of context that you’re either consciously or unconsciously omitting in all of your posts here, i choose to believe its the latter because i doubt you watched a modern series that didnt involve a team you support or remember it when it was a few years ago

i pulled up similar context omission with you excluding the Indian team few years ago in your list, i even specifically mentioned them as “the next best team of their times” to make it clear i wasnt stating they were an atg team in the context of others included there since that wasnt a discussion relevant here but you diverted that and claimed they werent on the same level as others when that wasnt even my point. the point was that the 4th-6th best test team since the 80s depending on how you slice the teams and rate them did have a bowling all rounder, 2 of them infact and they owed their success to a large part down to that flexibility

your entire slip catching not even fielding as a whole is nearly as vital as batting or bowling premise is based on 3 great teams that you saw having strong slip cordons, its not an invalid argument by any means but others have brought up better arguments as to why you may be overrating them but you’re failing to engage with that. you cant really be surprised that your opinion is unpopular in your own thread after that and its exacerbated by you making it personal and doing random driveby insults now at whoever is in the vicinity :ph34r:
I understood you question and your point, and agree. I was just saying that publication aside, some good points were made. And yes, I see them, you would be how many all time teams Jimmy seems to make nowadays. Jimmy, Sehwag, etc...

The second post wasn't aimed at you, and I took it personally because that was the intent of a few of the replies. If someone goes after a player I like, I make my points move on, some take the other route.

Re lower order batting, I've never said it wasn't important. I've said the way it's discussed here it's in par with top order batting and the impact has been over inflated to a certain point. The way it's phrased is that it saves every match and it's impossible to win without one. I've never said that in the right circumstances that wouldn't help or improve a team.

Yes the Indian team was next, it's also very different. Don't want to start a second war, but when I said it wasn't up to the same level of the other two, it's because every argument about the team comes with the proviso of "at home". Bumrah makes a difference though. And yes, that cordon does make a difference when they travel.

But no, I didn't dismiss lower order batting, carless argue relentlessly against it, part of the argument is that it's just as important as any other secondary / utility skills. A team needs as many ways to win / survive as possible.
My argument came in the form as to when is it viable to sacrifice bowling for it.... and just as often than not, lower order resistance doesn't always come from the "all rounders". I've also always said, if you're relying on to consistently to bail you out or as a huge part of your run production, you have bigger issues, and that's also true. But all teams need the assist from time to time.

I want to phrase the carefully. Yes I may have gone too far, and yes it was in response to statements that also went too far. No i don't think they are the irreplaceable magic elixir that's required for every team and you can't win without them, but I do believe that they definitely have value.

Finally, I don't recall any counter arguments to the importance of a good cordon besides the statement that I was lying somehow. If your attack is built around great pacers, you need to take the chances offered. If you don't you're missing priceless opportunities to take wickets, bowl out teams and win matches.

Yes it's long, but wanted to reply to you questions and points. If I've missed any, you can let me know.


Cricketer Of The Year
Not sure if it is trollish, but I do get a sick pleasure out of a poster in an argument having to resort to personal insults when they know they lost or have been caught out for their hypocrisy.

Btw, ATG games = low-scoring = runs more important = bowling ARs more important, can you respond to this please? You haven't yet given a rebuttal.
Any cricketer's value is as high or low as their primary skill and that contribution to a game, match series etc.

In a low scoring game, and I've answered this before, taking wickets is at a premium and hence the most important factor. In that scenario, I'm not sacrificing my best bowlers for one that may score more runs.

I can ask you the same question though, In a low scoring match, don't you need to take very chance that's presented? One drop and that can be the innings from a Bradman that changes the match (and yes Bradman was dropped once and went on to score a double against us)

That's not to say that lower order batting isn't important, that's where I believe the disconnect is occuring. You still want a decent production from the guys you have.

And I think this is an important point. While you and some others believe that the "all rounder" is a vital and must have position at 8, that isn't necessarily shared by all members and it's pretty much 50 / 50 on that proposition. A close enough group believes like I do that you either go for the best balance, a Hadlee per say, or just pick who is believed to be the best attack. And again that isn't ****ting on lower order batting, it can be very important. It's all just a balance and that exact point is different for everyone.


Cricketer Of The Year
Yeah the Imran slander has been decisively debunked along with the suggestion that lower order runs aren't vital. But I suppose some people have a humiliation kink.
There was no slander, nothing was debunked and I never said lower order runs aren't vital.

At no point was I humiliated, just because I don't have a roaming posse doesn't mean I should back down from an argument I believe in.

The purpose of the thread was to state that catching is really underrated on here and having a great cordon is no less vital than lower order batting.


Cricketer Of The Year
to add onto this Pakistan did have a world class slip fielder recently in Imran Butt who despite his small sample size has a catches to matches ratio thats bonkers. all he played was 6 tests despite his competition being Imam ul Haq because surprise surprise he was **** at batting, the skill he was picked for and the skill every batsman generally is picked for
But where have I disagreed with this? As I just posted, your value to a team can never supercede how good you are at your primary job. That would apply to all secondary skills, not sure what your point is here? Similarly a bowler will be picked primarily for their skill in bowling.
