I personally have no desire whatsoever to dispand any member of the squad. In three seasons we've managed to out-do every one of the older squads in activity and I feel that we are now competing at a high level and there is no reason for any of us to leave. We have a good mix, everyone has a role to play in at least one team and we all work well together - why change that?
However, if any of the players would like to leave the squad, I would appreciate it if they spoke first to Kyle and myself, letting us know if there are any desired destinations etc. Still, I'd rather you all stay...
EDIT: The above was before Trav's last two posts.
Trav said:
That's true .... and of the currnet 'named squad' how much is 'old' and how much is 'new'.
It would be fair to say that the colts have the greatest total of reassigning players ... and of that total of players, it is also fair to say that the greater population is 'well-experienced' people in the system.
Just some food for thought.
Still, I'd bet that we still have a younger average 'age' of players than any other side with the possible exception of CW Green - however it is not our fault that many players in CW Green have gone inactive etc. The reason we have a high turnover is because we all enjoy playing together, so putting us into different teams may just ruin that.
Trav said:
point being .... it isn't exactly a 'colts' team anymore, is it?
It's not a youth team anymore, that's for sure (although it's still a young team). But the Indianapolis Colts aren't exactly a 'colts' team either, are they? Nor are the Barrie Colts.
Again, I'd rather we stick together. If people are going to be pedantic over what it means to be a 'Colt' I would suggest to our side that we consider changing name to the Mustangs, or alternatively just not care and carry on as the CW Colts and let the other people worry about such trivial matters.