Hall of Fame Member
Huh? Richards averaged about the same as Tendulkar while striking almost 20 points faster.Keep laughing mate.
Tendukar eliminated to a big degree risk without overtly affecting his SR of average. Richards destructive he was also was prone to dying by that sword.
Even with his career average as it is, it's still impressive. Take minnows from Tendulkar or just add a couple points for Viv that he would have likely gotten versus Sri Lanka and you can see even prima facie there is nothing in it. But then look at the fact that Richards has no weaknesses in his record - he even has a great spread in his innings averages. He was also captain - never losing a series - and even played twice as man Tests away IIRC and these things effectively put an end to "easily", if even equals.
As batsmen they're close; as players not so much. Ontop of what has been mentioned Viv was also a supreme fielder.