thought I'd share this, which seems to back up what Langeveldt and James were saying earlier...
Hamilton seems to be the Hillbilly capital of New Zealand. (That's not supposed to be an insult.) The spectators appear marginally more rough and ready than at other venues and they clearly pride themselves on their turn of phrase.
Some of the comments aimed in our direction have been very interesting.
One of our senior players was told that his mother was his brother ... which none of us understood but all recognised as an insult. When our man replied that the bearded man's mother was probably a sheep, he replied: "Yeh, and bloody proud of it!"
I've always said it's good to interact with the locals when we are on tour. It would be rude to ignore him.
From the same column I've just read...
It's been a bit quiet in the hotel room since Minki went home, and I can't even annoy the other guys because their partners and families are mostly still here. It's at times like these that every boy needs his mom and, although mine is 12 000 kilometres away, she has obviously been thinking ahead on my behalf; two days ago a squeezy, toy monkey arrived from Jo'burg. So now when it gets quiet in the room, I stand on the monkey and it makes a terrible, comforting noise.
Actually, it still makes me laugh every time!
If Smith continues this 'boy with a toy monkey' angle without wins on the board, the West Indies will have company as my sentimental favourites.