Frog Splash/Five Star
Brock Lock
6-1-9 and West Coast Pop
Van Terminator
Walls of Jericho
Pin with a Handful of Tights (Most inexplicable move in Wrestling)
The Last Ride
Thread Closed
Muscle Buster
I guess we should limit this to American promotions, because there are tons of Puroresu moves we could list here, and they all quite pwn most of the American moves handsomely. I'd vote for the Tiger Driver '91 or the Reverse DVD over any of the moves listed here, tbh.
Also, I know you like Edge, Matt, but the moves listed there aren't even his finishers.
Haha, I wasn't actually paying much attention, I was literally just taking every finisher/move named in the Facebook thread I was taking it from. TBH I don't think I really have time to do the Battle myself now I think about it, so I'd like to officially hand that duty over to someone else.

Also, "Thread Closed"? WTF? Haha.
Oh, and on last night's Raw, little disappointed really. KOTR wasn't brilliant, certainly not what it could have been. Umaga's impending face turn is interesting, though. The KOTR matches were ridiculously short, the longest being Punk-Jericho at 6:21, which meant the crowd was virtually dead for half of them, including the final.
As for Regal going over Punk, I'm thinking about it in the long term - I would hope that, if there's any point to this at all, this will lead to a Regal-Punk feud as a way to get Punk onto Raw. If so, then that will do him far more good in the long run than one KOTR victory and another couple of months treading water would do. Regal is an absolute master in the ring, and will probably teach Punk yet more to add to his immense repertoire. Hopefully Punk will actually get some decent mic time, too - Regal is great on the mic, unlike Punk's last nemesis, Chavo.
Also, props to Regal for being the first Englishman ever to win King of the Ring.