Really wish people would stop kicking out of finishers so often though. Having defended the kicking out of finishers before, the frequency of this sort of thing is starting to annoy even me.
I realised the other day that pretty much every match at WM31 involved multiple finisher kick outs. Reigns even kicked out of 2 F5s after having the crap beaten out of him ffs. I don't mind this happening in the odd match at big shows, but it sucks when it happens in nearly every match on a card, and it sucks even more when you start to see it happen frequently on weekly TV.
I realised the other day that pretty much every match at WM31 involved multiple finisher kick outs. Reigns even kicked out of 2 F5s after having the crap beaten out of him ffs. I don't mind this happening in the odd match at big shows, but it sucks when it happens in nearly every match on a card, and it sucks even more when you start to see it happen frequently on weekly TV.