i am back now. in new delhi, the temp is almost 10 deg C. i went 2400 kms away from new delhi for a few days. i didnt disappear mysteriously. i also went over for half an hour in search of a cyber cafe, but it was

that i couldnt find it so as to be with u all.
back to the cricket,
australia could win there matches only due to poor and biased umpiring. australia isnt that good a team as it is made out to be. australia is overrated.
for bapu rao swami,
u cant be an indian. i mean it,
U CANT BE AN INDIAN. u r a aussie RNI, who has just cooked up an indian name and is using it. u r extremely biased towards all aussies and dont even care about us indians. all indians like me, rajat, CDAK and jagaways r against u. only aussies like iamdavid and co. r with u.
u r an aussie arse-licker and just go about kissing their arses where-ever u go. what do u want to prove, u ba*tard ? its only due to u idiots that our great country isnt progessing that much. india, has the potential to be the richest country in the world and india was once the richest country long ago and the whole world was envied of india. now that is going to come back. india was known as the
golden peacock once. read rajats post after he was unbanned.
also i have some 2-3 bihari friends and they r all nice and none of them r as idiotic, stupid and unpatriotic as u.
(soory about being personal in this post but bapu raos big aussie mouth has to be shut up if this forum has to get its peace back)