in relation to the theme of this thread..............well no he hasn't so far as the 1st innings is concerned

........I wonder if he has now been 'told' not to...
how much plainer does the situation have to be:
* his action / delivery is reported as being suspect for being illegal;
* subsequent testing then confirms this;
* statements from the ICC confirm that the delivery action is illegal and that the previously agreed to limits in the laws are still the requirement until further notice;
* ergo as the laws do not allow you to use an illegal action you should not continue to use it as you are cheating - hence you stop & do not need to be 'told' as this is in the laws of the game.........
Until the time that the test results were made public the Murali camp initiated their 'vicitimisation' / 'conspiracy theory' cry, and also went on the attack regarding the motivation of Broad in an effort to discredit him..........
judging by the latest article it would now appear that he is going to employ the "dumb n***er" type defence in that he has not been 'told' to either stop using the delivery or to make some changes to his action - by either the ICC or SLCB!!!!! sure the ICC & SLCB could have told him directly, but the onus must ultimately be with the player - at some stage they need to take responsibility - something Murali does not ever appeared as having the stomach for.........
how gullable does he think everyone is?????? I mean it beggers belief that he would contemplate such an excuse, let alone state it & then try to play the 'victim' & talk about retiring because of feeling persecuted or whatever......... :****ed:
so far as I'm concerned Murali (& Co) should put up or shut up regarding the continued use of the delivery - he's tried to talk the good talk but it appears to be a different story now that he can be called again.............
he's either playing the press or he has been working on his action to try & make it legal..........either way he has no credibility IMO......
if he tries to maintain his current position regarding not being told etc & that he has not done anything further to improve his action etc, then I'm prepared to call him a cheating bastard & would have no hesitation to heckle him as such everytime for every delivery until such time as he gets banned from the game for life...............