Top_Cat said:
I can't believe what I'm reading - Richard, you bitch and moan about me comparing you to one thing (when I thought it was pretty obvious I wasn't)
I wasn't exactly bitching and moaning, just saying I don't take kindly to being compared to something.
yet you then go and call Colin Miller a 'freak' (what he did to deserve such a label, I'll never know)
Colin Miller was a complete freak - how many bowlers play most of a career as a seamer, then start experimenting with fingerspin at 32 or whatever it was and go on to play with success for their country?
What the hell is wrong with me saying that's freakish?
And for that matter - what has that to do with the gun-nut\hippy thing? Absolutely nothing as far as I can see.
and then you say this; Just what exactly is the problem with aussie saying that he'll wait until another season has passed before making any sort of judgement on Tait? I mean, what the?!? He's saying it's too early to tell on Tait (like you and a lot of us were saying after Clarke was touted as the next big thing before his first Test) and you're writing him off after he's just had the second best season EVER in the history of Australian FC cricket??? Who's view do you think is more balanced?
Were referring to Cullen, not Tait, but that doesn't actually matter.
It's a typical attitude amongst cricket (and sport in general) followers to see the best in everything wherever possible, and it's one I don't like.
But there you go.
I'm in a minority with being, as you've said enough times, curmageonish, and I'll just have to live with it.
Again - what the hell has it to do with me disliking being compared to either of gun-nut\hippy?