Comparing Australia and Bangladesh in their first 36 test matches
The biggest problem that minnows of cricket are accused ofis that they make a mockery of the game as a contest by getting bowled out for ridiculously low totals. Lets see how the
"mighty" Aussies fare in this respect with the "lowly" Bangladesh !!
Lowest team total in first 36 games
- Australia : 36
BDesh : 87
Surprised ? Well here is more. This inspite of the fact that australia, inspite of being in their first 36 tests werenot minnows, at least not relatively speaking since they played only two other sides and neither of them were more experienced than them !!!
This is not all though. While Bangladesh had one freak innings when they got out for 87 runs in their 36 tests. The Aussies, on the other hand got out
NINE TIMES below 87 in their first 36 tests !!
Conclusion : Bangladesh are NINE times the batting side AS A TEAM as the Aussies were after their first 36 matches !!
Now coming to individual batting stars.
After 36 tests, lets look at the top batting stars of both sides.
Top aggregate runs in first 36 tests by one batsman
- Australia : AC Bannerman 1029 at 22.4 per innings
Bangladesh : Habibul Bashar 2299 at 34.8
The top Bangladeshi batsman after 36 tests outscores the top Aussie in similar situation by 220% !!
Career 50’s/100’s
- Australia : 7 50’s and 0-100’s Bannerman
- Bangladesh: 19-50’s and 3-100’s Habibul Basher
The top aussie batsman scored 7 fifites in this period (the highest number of fifties by any Australian
while the top Bangladeshi scored 19, 50's besides 3 centuries !!!
Conclusion 2 : Inspite of the heavy odds stacked against them, the Bangladeshi stars have shown far greater class than the Aussie pretenders !
Having proved without any doubt that the bangladeshis were far superior to their Australian counterparts in batting lets turn our attention to the equaly important aspect of bowling.
It is said that the weakest link in a chain determines its strength. So I would like to look at the weak links of both teams bowling.
Bowlers who did not get a wicket
It may be a surprise to those who blindly consider the Aussies God's gift to the game of cricket and its bowlers the best over time but to the discerning, the opposite is clearly the case. Here is a startling fact. We have listed the bowlers who failed to get a single wicket in test matches they bowled in for both sides. The results are before you.
- Australia 19
- Bangladesh 8
Clealy Australia has 237 % more toothless bowlers than Bangladesh.
Another aspect of the weak links of bowling..
Bowlers with strike rate above 200
- Australia : 2
- Bangladesh : 1
Conclusion 3 Australia's bowling chain is 200 to 237 % weaker than Bangladesh.
Wicket Keeping
It is not surprising that both these teams were served by one outstanding wicket keeper each for most of these 36 tests. Blackham for Australia and Khaled Masud for Bangladesh. However, the imperialist conspirators and their biased history writers will have us believe that Blackham was a legend, a prince amongst keepers while Khaled Masud doesnt even deserve a footnote in cricket history. Well you judge for yourselves.
Keeping : Maximum catches by a wicket keeper after 36 tests
- Australia : Blackham 38 catches
- Bangladesh : Khaled Mashud 59 catches !!
Khaled held 155 % more catches than Blackham but the Aussies and their imperialist co-conspirators will have us believe otherwise.
Conclusion 4. If Blackham is to be called the Prince amongst Wicket keepers then Khaled Mashud must be put on a pedestal as THE EMPORER amongst wicket keepers !!