This thread really defies belief.
"I can see quite clearly that Murali chucks", "I know that ICC leant on the scientists to get them to be lenient to Murali"... yeah right!!!!!!! That's the biggest piece of rubbish I've heard for a long, long time. Do you really think people with an international reputation (not to mention the fact that Angus Fraser and Mikey Holding, both people with an extreme interest in the correctness of the issue, were directly integrated into the group undertaking the thing) are going to do a bogus study and "find results" that they've simply been ordered to find? No. That's a gross insult to the integrity of the firms.
Sorry, it's been proven that the scientific eye is better than the human one - MOST people now accept that. The human eye is one of the worst instruments for quick-motion things that has ever graced this Earth.
Whether you can take this basic fact or not, Mr. Fiery, the people who've done this study know more about the issue than you, or anyone not equipped with the relevant material and instruments, will ever come remotely close to knowing. They, not you, are the experts on the matter and what they say about the matter is all that is of the slightest relevance.
All these nostalgic fools who can't take their heroes being "lowered" to the standard that they've always regarded these nasty subcontinental cheats are clutching at straws of the thinnest width. The old ideals of the game have been proven false, and the game is better for it. The laws have been changed to incorporate this basic fact and some people will naturally struggle to accept that those old ideals they've been so stuck to so faithfully were in fact false as a slut.
As for the subontinental-cash conspiracy-theorists... well, you clearly don't know that ICC have already secured - firmed-up, no-going-back - a TV deal covering WC2007 which is beyond past precedent. They've got all the cash they need. The days of TV-power in ICC are long-gone, with full-time executives and no board-bullying.
This "changed the rules to incorporate Murali" cons-theories are some of the worst I've ever come across. It's amazing how people can desperately cling to these - in the face of a total absence of evidence - in order to hold-on to their fast-disappearing ideals.
Just get it into your heads - the game has moved-on, it's better for the dispelling of the old ideals. Ridiculous as it may seem to you, the findings with regards elbow-flexation: that everyone - often involuntarily, as in, for instance, Murali's case - indulges in it are not remotely inconceivable for those of us who regard the matter with an open mind. It's only those who cling to the old ideals who can't get it into their heads.
And for the record - it remains medical fact that Murali's elbow cannot be fully straightened, none of that's changed - I've actually got a mate who I recently noticed has exactly the same defect, and very interesting how many optical-illusions it can create. Far from being bad for the game, Murali has - inadvertently - inspired the study that has resulted in the most significant revelation in the history of the game. And in doing so he's also become one of the greatest bowlers the game has ever seen.
The "I trust my ole eyes" brigade are fast being slapped down, and all for the better - of course there'll always be the odd few who can't accept that their eyes are being deceived by those "optical-illusion" thingies, but they can't do sod-all about it. Same way they can't do sod-all about the fact that the game is govorned by those more willing to open their eyes and ears to the basic truths of the matter.