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Dean Jones sacked for racist remark


International Captain
silentstriker said:
Yea, tell him. Nothing says Australia like ignorant & backward racism. Obviously, it is a requirement that your IQ be below 60, and your education to be no greater than elementry school level, in order to qualify for the prestigious Australian citizenship, and Dasa clearly does not meet either of those criteria. He needs to leave immediatly!

Sing it with me, brother:

Aussie Aussie Aussie! Oi oi oi!
Good, so we're in agreeance.


Request Your Custom Title Now!
Yea, tell him. Nothing says Australia like ignorant & backward racism. Obviously, it is a requirement that your IQ be below 60, and your education to be no greater than elementry school level, in order to qualify for the prestigious Australian citizenship, and Dasa clearly does not meet either of those criteria. He needs to leave immediatly!
That is a disgraceful comment. Do you have some latent racist tendencies against Australias which allow you to generalise to such a gross level? Because, seriously, that comment applied to any other country/religion/ethnicity would rightly cause this thread to be closed and you to be banned.

So how about you take it back and admit you made a truly idiotic and ignorant comment and we'll keep the thread open?


Hall of Fame Member
silentstriker said:
Yea, tell him. Nothing says Australia like ignorant & backward racism. Obviously, it is a requirement that your IQ be below 60, and your education to be no greater than elementry school level, in order to qualify for the prestigious Australian citizenship, and Dasa clearly does not meet either of those criteria. He needs to leave immediatly!

Sing it with me, brother:

Aussie Aussie Aussie! Oi oi oi!
How ironic


Top_Cat said:
That is a disgraceful comment. Do you have some latent racist tendencies against Australias which allow you to generalise to such a gross level? Because, seriously, that comment applied to any other country/religion/ethnicity would rightly cause this thread to be closed and you to be banned.

So how about you take it back and admit you made a truly idiotic and ignorant comment and we'll keep the thread open?
Reminds me of this recent news story:


I have been quite disappointed by some comments in this thread.

Sir Redman

State Vice-Captain
Top_Cat said:
That is a disgraceful comment. Do you have some latent racist tendencies against Australias which allow you to generalise to such a gross level? Because, seriously, that comment applied to any other country/religion/ethnicity would rightly cause this thread to be closed and you to be banned.

So how about you take it back and admit you made a truly idiotic and ignorant comment and we'll keep the thread open?
I wouldn't usually defend a post like that, but I think SilentStriker was being sarcastic there. Similar to Jones I guess, a stupid, thoughtless statement that's not meant to be taken seriously.


International Vice-Captain
Sir Redman said:
I wouldn't usually defend a post like that, but I think SilentStriker was being sarcastic there. Similar to Jones I guess, a stupid, thoughtless statement that's not meant to be taken seriously.
I think he was referring to just one person rather than Australia as a whole...but still, pretty offensive if you don't realise that.


Sir Redman said:
I wouldn't usually defend a post like that, but I think SilentStriker was being sarcastic there. Similar to Jones I guess, a stupid, thoughtless statement that's not meant to be taken seriously.
I'm inclined to agree. I think Buddhmaster was indulging in a spot of irony too.

It's unfortunate that sarcasm & irony often don't translate very well to the written word; when I indulge I usually leaven it with a smilie lest people take things the wrong way. :)

See? :p

Sir Redman

State Vice-Captain
BoyBrumby said:
I'm inclined to agree. I think Buddhmaster was indulging in a spot of irony too.

It's unfortunate that sarcasm & irony often don't translate very well to the written word; when I indulge I usually leaven it with a smilie lest people take things the wrong way. :)

See? :p
The problem is, I guess, that sometimes it loses it's effect if you put the smiley there. Some things just tend to work better when you don't make it obvious what you're doing, and besides, it makes you feel all smug and self-satisfied when you post something ironic that no-one else picks up on :dry:


Sir Redman said:
The problem is, I guess, that sometimes it loses it's effect if you put the smiley there. Some things just tend to work better when you don't make it obvious what you're doing, and besides, it makes you feel all smug and self-satisfied when you post something ironic that no-one else picks up on :dry:
Guess it depends what one's desired response is.

When expressing cod-redneck views, even with ironic intent, I think one's skating on thin ice.


The Wheel is Forever
Top_Cat said:
That is a disgraceful comment. Do you have some latent racist tendencies against Australias which allow you to generalise to such a gross level? Because, seriously, that comment applied to any other country/religion/ethnicity would rightly cause this thread to be closed and you to be banned.

So how about you take it back and admit you made a truly idiotic and ignorant comment and we'll keep the thread open?

It was sarcasm.


U19 12th Man
silentstriker said:
If he makes Drew 'Statues move faster than than I do' Bledsoe into a superbowl winning quaterback, I will consider T.O a God.
WHOA!! I wouldn't consider T.O a God even if he went on one knee and proposed to both Garcia and McNabb, when Philly took T.O I was telling a friend of mine "lets see how long this lasts", its the same BS T.O spouted when he joined Philly how much in love he was with the Eagles and how thankful he was of being out of San Fran, he is playing the same card with the Cowboys too. I am willing to bet 100 bucks he will play well this season (well sometimes i even doubt that), lets see how long this lasts. One wrong look by Bledsoe and T.O, watch T.O the cry baby be in full cry in front of the media. He is a terrific receiver but a horrendous teammate from where my pov. He single handedly destroyed the Eagles and the 9ers (His last season in San Fran, we weren't a bad team, we were a playoff capable team) except for one miserable little piece of s*** called Terrel Owens.


U19 12th Man
K on topic, personally I don't think Deano's a racist, an idiot definitely yes, well he was treated as a normal person would be, maybe just maybe someone not in the public limelight and not having said on air might have gotten off with a reprimand or fine, since he is neither he got sacked. Anyways he has apologized over and over and that should be it.
Last edited:


International Captain
Dean Jones: cricket tragic

The former Australian batsman's "terrorist" slur on a South African player came as no surprise to those who have followed Jones' crass commentating career, writes Eric Ellis

"Our Deano" has been an accident waiting to happen for a long time, perhaps as long as he has been seated behind a microphone.

On Dubai's Ten Sports, Jones presented as a comedian, a buffoon let loose in the complex cultural soup of a region that he hasn’t bothered to learn about. I’m sure I've heard him remark that the Pakistani batsman who just scored a heroic ton deserves a stiff drink for his efforts. Apart from the Hindu spinner Danesh Kaneria, most of the Pakistani team are devout Muslims. Perhaps Deano thinks they are looking for Inzy's contact lens when they genuflect to Mecca before entering the arena.

I winced at his congratulation of an Indian Hindu player who had just scored a century. The batsman squinted skyward, possibly to see if his mum was in the stands, or maybe just because he was adjusting for the strong Indian sun to prepare for the double ton. Jones offered viewers his penetrating view that the batsman “looks to the heaven to thank god for his sterling knock.” Which god, Deano? Hinduism has millions of them. Hardly sackable offences, but certainly eye-watering in their ignorance.

Someone should've told him. Ten Sports is staffed by Indians, Pakistanis, Lankans; Hindus, Muslims and Buddhists who bring cricket to the Indian Ocean market, with the notable exception of Australia. Check into a hotel anywhere in the region, or buy a cable subscription, and you’ll see Ten Sports. Jones was a rare Aussie on their roster. Be it in Karachi or Kanpur, Kandy or Kabul, I often settle in front of Ten Sports to watch the cricket. The recent resumption of battle between India and Pakistan has been riveting. If you are a cricket tragic, you love the game whoever’s playing.

Cricket is a broad church but Jones comments on matters subcontinental as if he’s never left the Aussie boozer, the same ocker jokes, the same inane observations. I’ve followed his parallel careers as he takes the big bucks of the cricket-crazy subcontinent while trying to maintain a media profile back home. I’ve logged on via the net to Melbourne radio 3AW’s Sports Today whenever time zones permit. It’s a wonderful, if bizarre, contrast. Once, in Kabul, a Kandahari war widow was cleaning my room as Jones joshed with the good old boys of 3AW, his new employers who don’t seem to get - or worse, care - what damage he has done. She listened intently to my computer, desperate to advance her English. Jones was just desperate to advance his career in Australia, in the vain hope that someone – a Mark Taylor, an Ian Healy - falls off the Oz cricket commentary bus. The 3AW lads rarely ask him what’s happening in India or Pakistan, unless its a query about the Indian team coach Greg Chappell, and Jones mostly just mouths off about what’s wrong with the very successful Australian team. Then another ocker calls in to say what a great bloke Deano is, and what a hero he was for Australia in Madras in 1985 et al. There are nods all round ad infinitum.

After describing Hashim Amla, a talented cricketer many South Africans believe could be the Rainbow Nation's first Indian-origin captain, as a terrorist (and how does Deano’s excuse that he thought the mike was off make his comments any more acceptable?), Jones' $3000-a-day, plus expenses, services are no longer required by Ten Sports.

But not to worry, sport, the good old boys of 3AW are there to bail him out. Indeed, the moment the disgraced Deano arrived back in Australia he was spinning that "Maaaaate, I’m no racist, some of my best friends are Muslims, I’ve even got a relative who’s a Muslim" and so on. The hosts agreed that Deano’s apology was suitably contrite, that there was no place in sport for racism. This is the same 3AW that stars Rex "Black Dog" Hunt and routinely calls Pakistanis "*****". A few good blokes rang in to say Deano was a great bloke and all was well again with the world, the damage had been fixed.

Until next time. 3AW's loss, Ten Sports' gain.

Eric Ellis The Bulletin correspondent based in Singapore


Virat Kohli (c)
I'm no fan of Deano, I reckon he's a dead set idiot, but its not his fault Ten Sports paid him the big bucks to get his commentary. They obviously liked him being the token Australian in the commentary box, and its Ten Sports' fault they kept him that long.

The article starts off stupid, but I agree with the end. The "I have muslim friends" is eerily similar to the "I'm not racist, I have black friends, but... *enter racist comment*" That being said, I reckon its more ignorance then malice from Deano. When you're an idiot, you're an idiot.


The Wheel is Forever
How common is racism in Australia anyway? I thought the incidents with South Africa were relatively rare, but:

This is not an imagined fear. The West Indians have long complained that the Australians' sledging goes beyond accepted limits. Darren Lehmann infamously called a Sri Lanka player a 'black ****' in Adelaide three years ago. Muttiah Muralitharan has been branded a chucking cheat there, and the opprobrium has not been restricted to the technical. The South Africans complained about racist remarks in the crowd last winter. I've heard it there myself when a friend, objecting to a late-afternoon diatribe against India in Melbourne, was greeted with a vicious, drunken '**** off, ****** lover.'

The Australian author and former cricket writer Malcolm Knox created a storm in the wake of the Lehmann embarrassment. 'I was taken to task for "inventing" trouble where none existed,' he wrote. 'Yet I'd seen racism with my own eyes. On a tour to India, I heard two Australian cricketers call the locals "******s". I saw Australian cricketers coming across Indians sleeping on a railway platform in Jamshedpur and nudging them awake with their feet to take a happy snap.'

Last summer, the 'Pikey' chants dimmed. There were a few idiots, but they were isolated. As Knox says, assimilation is far in advance in the UK.

It upsets fair-minded Australians to admit it, but racism is a lingering problem there. It has manifested itself in so many ugly incidents at cricket grounds recently that the International Cricket Council sent India's solicitor-general, Goolam Vahanvati, to investigate. He concluded that racial abuse by spectators on South Africa's tour last winter 'could not be explained away as being the result of drunken behaviour'. It was, he said, 'premeditated, coordinated and calculated to get under the players' skins'.


Hall of Fame Member
Racism is obviously a problem in Australia, but it's ridiculous to assume something about a whole nation from the way a few drunken idiots behave at the cricket. Consider the stuff that goes on at the cricket aside from racism. Players have been pelted with rubbish and other things at cricket grounds all over the world, and players are subject to all sorts of abuse from the crowds which has nothing to do with racism. The step from throwing a toilet seat or a cup of urine at a guy from a touring side or calling them a filthy **** to abusing them racially isn't really as large as people seem to make out. If you're the sort of guy who'd do that to a player, I doubt you'd blanch at the prospect of introducing racial abuse to the equation.

I'd also say that article makes a few fairly significant leaps in attempting to provide an image of a racist Australia. The suggestion that cultural insensitivity from players in touring other nations or hostility towards players like Murali is equivalent to racism is a pretty spurious one.

Anyway, regarding the South African players last summer, wasn't the quoted abuse in Perth actually in afrikaans, rather than english? Given the high number of ex-pats in the area, you'd think that would be a fairly likely source.
