Hall of Fame Member
Because you were defending those comments at the time and also comments from Flower.The thing is SS, as someone who is more outspoken against the BCCI than most, my post won't mean a lot to you. In recent weeks though, a significant number of India fans have taken any anti-BCCI stance very personally.
The fact that Cevno, with all due respect, tried to use comments by someone from the ECB to prove me as some sort of hypocrite, is quite suggestive of his, and others like him, thought process.
That's not a dig on Cevno, just how I see it based on his posting on these topics. And tbf to him, he isn't the only one.
But it was a way lesser comment from Dhoni that you got all upset about here. If Shashank Manohar comes out and implies Harper is deaf and dumb all hell will brake loose here ... and you will be leading the charge no doubt.
And at the same times you were calling Harper all kind of things when and laughing when he was called a clown etc and hinting that it was him versus the Rain (not south Africa)... but if we do the same with Chris Broad or Steve Bucknor the same people time and again give a

And the best part is after claiming this they have a cheek to complain that BCCI runs everything and gets away with everything and is out to get everyone.

If you can't see the hypocrisy in this all then well it is of no use.
Not really. BCCI's objection became clear this week only ,while i have been arguing about Ball tracking and it's accuracy for way more than a year now.Haha yeah, I find that the funniest thing
The saddest thing about this argument is that if the BCCI came out next week and supported DRS with all of its elements there'd be no discussion
At the same time criticising BCCI stooges for not agreeing to UDRS in general.
This my or the highway attitude is really bad is as Joe said Like George Bush,and smacks of either you are with us or against us.
And arguing a issue which BCCI is supporting does not imply supporting the BCCI. It's all about expressing your viewpoint.
Dig out some of my posts about N.Srinivasan and Shashank Manohar and you will find out.
The whole you take criticism personally thing and claim racism argument is Ignorant(maybe stereotyped) and stupid and disgusting because no on has ever done that. And same people doing it again and again with posts filled with ****** and abuse about a whole group of people that says more about them than anyone else.
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