Dick Rockett
International Vice-Captain
Sure there are/were. Nash and Doull both played well up to their potential. Unfortunately by the time they had matured into good bowlers they were older and their bodies let them down. O'Connor was only ever an OK bowler. Allott was an amazing one-day bowler, but couldn't move the red ball and as such bombed in tests. Again, just as he was becoming an excellent bowler, he broke down.Richard said:Proven internationals... just how many Kiwi bowlers are proven Test-class bowlers, then?
Cairns had a last-hurrah and otherwise he hasn't come near his Trent Bridge figures since the injury he suffered in Christchurch last England series; Nash, O'Connor, Allott and Doull never lived-up to their potential before injury cut short their careers. Tuffey, Martin and Oram all average in the 30s and Butler higher still.
Are there any decent Kiwi bowlers ATM?
As for the current crop, I think it's a bit early to be making judgements on their ability by pointing at their 30+ averages. None have played that many tests. Hadlee's average wasn't flash in his early career either.
Martin has only just returned after years in obscurity. He was shite before, now he's not. Give him a chance.
Tuffey's been carrying an injury since last year's Indian tour. Before that his average was 27-ish. IMO his injury is responsible for his subsequent rise in average. Anyone who's seen him in full flight can see what a class act he is.
Oram needs to sort out some variation for tests, but there's nothing wrong with his ODI bowling.
Butler was unbelievably rubbish, but even I can see he's slowly improving - and trust me, I'm no fan of his.
And S.E. Bond - get better you nonce!