Well it wouldn't be one of my posts if I didn't have some rant to share with you, and today it's funfairs and Eastern European immigrants - Or one in particular.
This week I took my Autistic daughter to the fair at Barry Island, which is much changed from my youth I can tell you. Gone are the charmingly corrupt ****neys with their wonky rifle ranges and coconut shies liberally coated in Super Glue - Gone too are the Psychotically abrasive Scotsmen, replete with missing fingers, who thought nothing of risking life and limb to give a Waltzer that extra shove, and who fought each other with broken whiskey bottles (After draining the contents of course), simply to pass the time.
No, a sad reflection of the times we live in is that all these British seaside icons have been replaced by indolent non-English speaking, hostile immigrants from Poland, Albania and the former Yugoslavia. Before I get branded a racist, I used to go out with a Croatian girl, and I loved their people and Culture - But I have no idea what's happened to the world since the expansion of the EU. There appears to be a group of people who're only over here to make a fast buck, and aren't in the least bit interested in making a contribution to society, by either embracing our culture, or by helping to spread increased awareness and enjoyment of their own very rich heritage
However, on this particular occasion my gripe was, where do they get off telling me which attractions I can and can't ride, in my own country, simply because I'm blind!?!
Yes, I'm afraid I had a total Michael Douglas, 'Falling Down' moment, when, after having queued for fifteen minutes, one of them told me that Rhiannon and I couldn't ride the Dodgems together, because, and I quote, "You're blind and she's mental!" I seriously seriously lost the plot, pointing out to him that fifteen years ago he was eating potatoes, driving cardboard cars and shooting his neighbours! Now he thinks he's qualified to instruct me as to my own competence and safety to drive a giant sponge around a tin-foil race-track - Is this really the Capitalist progress of which Thatcher and Reagan dreamt when the Berlin Wall came down?!?
I did at least manage to inflict upon him several hundred pounds worth of lost revenue, by standing my ground and insisting that if we couldn't go on the dodgems, then neither could any of the rapidly growing file of potential customers behind me - most of whom soon drifted away owing to a mixture of acute embarrassment and impatience. I'd love to say that this story ends when the scales eventually fell from his eyes, and he realised that being blind doesn't mean that I'm a dribbling, vegetablised bag of ****, that I do have some worth and purpose as a human being - But um…That's not really the case. Rather, matters were brought to a head when, after the ride had lain unoccupied for around a quarter of an hour, several of his sinister-looking moustachioed mates came over and started mumbling whilst gesturing in our direction with their obligatory cigarettes. It was then that my history degree came back to me, and I remembered that these guys gave the SS and crack German Panzer divisions a sound finger-blasting during WWII - So a short, blind, slightly pot-bellied bloke, a ten year old girl, and a guide-dog probably wouldn't pose much of a threat to them if it kicked off! So we legged it!!
Oh yes, and tomorrow is Cup final day at Lor'd's for my RL club.
In the world of Battrick, Scaly has the privilege and honour of being the very last person to play me as a single man - With my nuptials now looming large a week Saturday. Looks like it could be a good match, though Scaly clearly has the edge on the ratings. My predictions are: Gurs bat first - 260/7 plays 261/5 (48), Scaly bats first - 275/6 plays 255 A/O (45), with a late collapse whilst looking reasonably set. But win or not, games like this, and that with Py last week, are precisely what I need ATM, to try and size up how we fair against established Div IV standard teams, and what, if anything, I can do to tweak the side before I have to face this calibre of team for real in September. BTW, when will we find out our new leagues?
Congrats to both Robs, and good luck to Rusty and anyone else who's got playoffs today - Except Py, who I think is hoping for crap luck?
Here's my season's star performers - And sorry Andy - But I've opted for Rob's layout, as it's easier for me to both read and write.
My best three batsmen were Staveley, Noon and Patel, though even they weren't all that impressive, mainly because we've bowled first in all but two of our league matches this season. Seeing as Dragnets were the only league opponents who've managed to put more than 200 on us, in most games we've been chasing **** all so the batters haven't really had an opportunity to shine. Plus I've rested key players at regular intervals, and dicked about with the batting order in an attempt to discover who bats best in which situation. Interestingly, my best batsman on paper, Qual Greening, doesn't even get close, goes to show how badly his Feeb Conc is hampering him. Though it seems to me as though low Conc affects better batsmen more than less able players, as Prof/Feeb Bennett and Resp/Woe Carey haven't had much trouble scoring runs when they've had a chance at the crease.
Alton Staveley (Sup/Resp Steady LH)
M. 14
I. 10
R. 436
N/O. 6
AVE. 109.00
S/R. 90.46
T/S. 125
CT. 2
ST. 0
50s. 3
100s. 1
Joe Noon (Prof/Comp Steady RH, Resp WK)
M. 15
I. 12
R. 477
N/O. 7
AVE. 95.40
S/R. 94.08
T/S. 164*
CT. 16
ST. 4
50s. 1
100s. 1
Neale Patel (Prof/Resp Steady RH)
M. 18
I. 9
R. 460
N/O. 4
AVE. 92.00
S/R. 82.29
T/S. 139
CT. 8
ST. 0
50s. 3
100s. 1
On the other hand my bowlers have been much more impressive, with all five of the regulars featuring in the league's top ten, and Bewers, Bent and Mullins occupying the top three places.
Theo Bent (Resp/Feeb Cautious RFM)
O. 92
M. 17
R. 229
W. 23
AVE. 9.96
S/R. 24.00
ECON. 2.49
Best. 4-15
Fivefers. 0
Gene Bewers (Sup/Resp Cautious LM, also has ten catches)
O. 106
M. 15
R. 362
W. 36
AVE. 10.06
S/R. 17.67
ECON. 3.42
Best. 6-12
Fivefers. 2
Shaun Bridges M (Strong/Prof Defensive RHS)
O. 124
M. 19
R. 382
W. 34
AVE. 11.24
S/R. 21.88
ECON. 3.08
Best. 5-22
Fivefers. 1
Brad Edworthy (Resp/Med Steady RFM)
O. 121
M. 15
R. 449
W. 42
AVE. 10.69
S/R. 17.29
ECON. 3.71
Best. 6-23
Fivefers. 3
Thomas Mullins (Med/Prof Cautious LFM)
O. 103
M. 25
R. 298
W. 21
AVE. 14.19
S/R. 29.43
ECON. 2.89
Best. 4-5
Fivefers. 0
Right, I'm off work after today for three weeks, so...This is Trevor Vayro, signing out for possibly the last time as a single man. Thank You and Good Night.