Right, I've had to change my trousers several times during the course of the day, as my playoff is just too close! The Gurs posted 266/9, recovering from 26/3 thanks mainly to a 109 run partnership between staveley, 101 (109) and Carless, 41 (70). Dunfield rewarded my faith in him by nursing the tail home with 60* (71) - But Greening, Noon, Patel and Mullins all failed, with 0, 4, 0 and 11 respectively.
It's evens stevens in The Night Watch's reply, 103/1 after 22. Their RRR is creeping up a bit, but nothing that'll worry them while they have wickets in hand. I need to pull a rabbit, and ideally a beautiful assistant, out of the hat, otherwise it's division V for Me!
I need you all to watch my game and send me the power of your positive thought, ala Uri Geller!
Yours Mystically, Trev