I kind'a say it's a must win, because it's one of the few games I know for sure that I can win, and I figure that if I'm to keep out of playoff trouble, then I need to win all the bankers. But on the other hand, I did want to TIE because my next three games after Friday are against sides better than me, but not so much so that I wouldn't stand a chance against them on GFI. Take for example West Reading, with ratings in their last game of Prof/Resp/abs - Resp/Use/Med, as opposed to my recent TIE ratings of Comp/Comp/Abs - Comp/Med/Feeb. Anyway, I'd figured that if I could TIE three in a row, then I'd have enough in the tank to GFI three in a row. Last time around I beat one of these three and lost to the others. But looking at it realistically I don't suppose there's much point in gambling on beating a team better than me if I don't even put away the teams who are worse than me! I guess there's the same sort of difference between Urwenda, my Friday opponents, and me, as there is between me and West Reading, so logically, if I stand a chance of catching West Reading if I GFI, then Urwenda stand a chance of catching me if I TIE against them?
Oh Yes, and a big thank you to the top blokes at Battrick. Me and a couple of my mates who play are all blind to various degrees, and the new ticker thing Battrick introduced on Monday, which refreshed the page every minute, was playing holy F**k with the speech synthesising software which reads the screen for us. But one E-mail to the GM, and Battrick agreed to take the ticker off until they can think of a way of stopping it from interfering with our screen-readers! So if anyone from Battrick reads this, then thank you very very much, and to anyone who liked the ticker, and wondered where it had gone - Um…Sorry, it was my fault!!
Later, Trev