Line and Length
International Coach
As I mentioned, I don't regard FC figures as being particularly relevant. However, as you have compared his batting averages, I think you should do the same with his bowling stats where his FC figures are superior to his Test figures (not relevant, but interesting).It won't have held much relevance, had Greig had a 12 year long Test career, atleast. He doesn't. Barrington also had one of 10 years and played in relatively his peak, Greig took it to the extreme. No shade of him, did very well in his 6 year career, but it was a 6 year Test career; and his FC average, however spun, implies that he was quite lucky it was 6 years long. I find it hard to rate him over Mushtaq Mohammad for eg.
Greig also suffered epilepsy and his Test career was curtailed, not by war, but WSC where he was heavily involved in recruiting players on behalf of Packer. With WSC his energies were more devoted to promoting that than actually playing (he played just 4 games).