but how do you get promoted if you don't have the money?Cloete said:if you had reat it properly you would know that if a team got promoted they would instantly recieve as much money in that div as every1 else.
GB, surely clubs could have money making ventures that could increase their budget...Blewy said:I personally like some of the ideas...
Those who have read my interview with Simon would see i had a few ideas for WCC, something similar to this is what i had in mind....
My plan which still has some things which need to be ironed out, is to give each team, from there ranking in the WCC a salary budget, they then have to distribute that budget amongst their playing staf.. If by some chance another team wants one of their players and puts in a wage which is higher than that of the original team then they would have to either match it or release the player, therefore the higher profile players would then be shared around and would require some tactical work from the managers to decide on who is most valuable to their side...
Like i said this is a idea i have been considering for a while now and i thought i'd share it now...
Blewy said:This money is used to offer contracts to players..
Eg, Mashonaland offer T.Petal $50k each season for 3 seasons, now if a team came along and put in a bid for $100k then Mashonaland would have to either up their bid or release Petal, but if no other offers were made then Petal would be with Mashonaland for 3 seasons, and for any other team to get him during that time they would have to pay over the $50k (eg $100k)and also have the offer accepted by Mashonaland. The incentive for Mashonaland would then be they would recieve a compensation for the sale which would go to their budget...
Its not at all complicated.I think majority of the managers have played games like ICC and CM so if they can handle that then this is nothing.Rik said:Well frankly if I had to fight to keep my best player with other teams with way more money than myself then I might as well go and thump my head on the wall. I'm happy with the WCC and as a few people have said it's doing fine and the last thing you want to do is over-complicate it. If you want to pay players money then buy ICC...
Well what I've read is far too complicated. This is an online game, it's success has been built by the fact that almost anyone can play it as long as they have a slight grasp of maths and common sense, it's the pick up and play value. I really don't see how a finance system would help either the WCC itself or the people who run it, remember these guys do a lot of work just simming the matches and keeping the forum and the site up to date. If anything I feel it would cause quite a few managers who play it for fun, like myself, but have other commitments too, to get bogged down and leave. I come onto CW, put down my team then check my result, I can't do much else because of commitments but I'm leading Div5 4D in my 1st season so I'm not really taking the place of a more dedicated manager am I?aditya said:Its not at all complicated.I think majority of the managers have played games like ICC and CM so if they can handle that then this is nothing.
Just because we don't think the idea is great we're "copping a heart attack"?Papa Shango said:And for all those who are copping a heart attack[Marc,Si], its not all that complicated.Once at the start of the season you work out the wage bill and sort it out,its done until the next season,you do not need to worry about it!
ICC and CM have sophesticated programs in place to keep track of everything and set values etc.aditya said:Its not at all complicated.I think majority of the managers have played games like ICC and CM so if they can handle that then this is nothing.
Also remembering that you can basically play those games in real-time and they have an interface. WCC is forum, Website and Email bassed and is run by a lot of people all over the world.marc71178 said:ICC and CM have sophesticated programs in place to keep track of everything and set values etc.
We don't.
taht is utter tripe. i think u'll find that most people would love the idea of money in a sim. just because the four of you aren't used to it, u find it hard to deal with. i am sure if you get used to it u will quite enjoy it. it's not going to turn into something stat filled at all. you make a bid and it gets turned down or rejected. you have a set amount of cash with which u can bid for players. i don't think any price tags should go onto players. rather teh fact that when 2 managers agreee on a bid the player goes. and you get more/less money for how ur team performed. now if say you are in div 5. you can always pick up a really good player and sell him then get some decent players. then say win teh div get more money have a really great player sell him get alot of money and then you can bid for some gr8 players. i think if u gave it a chance and thought outside of the box you might actually find the idea enjoyable.Neil Pickup said:I get the feeling that this will dilute the ethos of WCC away from what it is currently - a community-based fun PBeM. With all this cacophony of figures, I feel it may turn into something so stat-filled it puts off 90% of newcomers.