Disappointing way to finish the season

What hurts most though, is the number of soft goals we let in due to rubbish disposal coming out of our defence 50. More annoying, was that Nathan Eagleton scored a couple of them, and that a couple of the times, there really wasn't a whole lot of pressure on the ball carrier. Oh well, guess it's no surprise given how young the team is, and that it was only the 2nd final for a lot of them. Can give 4th spot a real shake next year imo.
Oh, one other thing, who would you all name as the AA ruckmen? Last couple of weeks I've heard the Ch10 coms talking about it, and how one or 2 of them say it's Clark, who has been immense for us this season. However, I really don't watch many games that don't involve the Lions so have nfi who else would be a candidate?