Nice, did not know this.Cena seems most likely, think he is the betting favourite too
Yeah, Cena vs Cody would be decent as well (and you just know Cody will be keen AF for it).Cena vs Gunther would be class IMO
Gunther can murder him at Summerslam
There are so many great possible combinations of feuds/matches at the moment tbh.Punk may end up in a main event but I think Punk vs McIntyre sounds better
For all his failings, the one thing Vince often got right was to make something out of it when organic stuff happens. So many others, including apparently Trips, struggle so much with it.He absolutely "gets it" (i.e., pro wrestling). And like Arito says, for someone who is (or at least was, a short while ago) a complete n00b, his ring work is absolutely top tier.
The heat he got the other day made me realise how much HHH has dropped the ball with the New Day though. Their heel turn got them so much legit furious heat, but they've completely stacked it.
Haha TBF Vince also had to be dragged kicking and scream towards embracing organically occuring storylines a lot of the time too. And frequently punished people who got over "without permission" (e.g., Ryder)For all his failings, the one thing Vince often got right was to make something out of it when organic stuff happens. So many others, including apparently Trips, struggle so much with it.
Yeah... he was obviously rather egomaniacal but I think he responded better, esp. in his earlier years, to organic reactions from fans far better than almost every other head honcho running one of the big wrestling companies in my time of watching.Haha TBF Vince also had to be dragged kicking and scream towards embracing organically occuring storylines a lot of the time too. And frequently punished people who got over "without permission" (e.g., Ryder)
I mean anyone in the internet era has had far more ways to "get" the pulse of the audience than the guys before did. And look, I hate to do this but if you are gonna credit Trips for what he is doing in the last 2 or 3 years, you gotta blame him for the nonsense booking of himself from 2002 to about 2005. I am almost positive the RA era's failure is completely down to him and the way he booked himself.Don't think Vince deserves particular credit there compared to Haitch. Vince bottled as many 'moments' as he took advantage of imo