Hall of Fame Member
Because they are actually seperable because he didn’t keep for the majority of his career..But that's my point though, you can't separate them because they (especially Sobers) bowled a hell of a lot, which also would have impacted their batting. So why are we separating Sanga's?
Yes they had superior attacks, but at least half if not more of those matches were in SL where these attacks were blunted and he had Murali.
And yes dude, you aren't just a proponent of those who batted slowly, you're very much anti, and biased against quicker scorers.
There are more people on this forum that tank Viv top 3 all time than those who rate him 15th, and there's no justification for such a rating otherwise.
And so the other half were in pace friendly countries where the other teams had the advantage…
No, I just don’t give players extra points for a high strike rate nor take away points for a low one. I believe both are valuable to a team. It may seem as though I’m biased because there are some who inherently believe more aggressive bats are better and thus rate them accordingly.
Because of this, I don’t rate Viv as highly as others. I rate him based on his overall record, longevity and peak, his strike rate doesn’t come into it. I have no bias against him. He was before my time sadly and I never adjusted my ideas of rating players based on a single player.
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