International Coach
Its not the worst part time job to be fair. I think most will appreciate that the club is in a mess, so whoever takes it and even if they fail, they won't have their reputation ruined that much due to all the other bollocks in the background. The money would be fabulous and most elite managers would look at the players and fancy their chances of improving the team.Is it? I can't think of anyone else with that profile who would be happy to take the job on an interim basis.
Unless it's... Fergie Time.
O Neil will never get a premier league job again.Mind you, SSN have been making a big thing about a 'club source' stating the interim boss is someone the media will enjoy working with, leading one person to point out O'Neill is currently unemployed.
This is starting to feel like seeing the bike shaped gift under the Christmas tree only to find its 2 bin lids and some scaffolding.
I think it will be Blanc as short term coach, free, wants it, knows the club and not a bad manager.
I dunno about the Summer, Poch would be amazing, but Woodward negotiating with Levy could be a disaster. Simeone linked also, great manager obviously, but another defensive manager? Dunno.