i drafted a fantasy booking post yesterday after thinking about it some more and then deleted it because fantasy booking sucks...but well, I hated this booking because we got to the same point (Kurt cleaning house) through via different and insane methods. I mean, it was fun. But so stupid.
Obviously they just took the thing they had planned and plugged Angle in. I suspect even Roman being carried out and then coming back was in the original because obviously Reigns has done that before. It's very weird that Kurt's 'return' match was him cosplaying as Roman Reigns. Anyway, I thought Angle should have changed the match back to Dean/Seth v Cesaro/Irish because, among other people on the brand, Reigns and Miz were not fit to compete, and so he orders Strowman/Kane back to the hotel and demands no interference from them.
And then you do the tag match and you get to Dean/Seth almost winning and Miz comes down (with one of those medical masks on for lulz) and drags the ref outta the ring, Kane and Strowman come down too, and then you can do the whole brawl thing including Strowman being crushed to death by a truck, and then you do Kurt's music, getting the pin etc, except he's ****ing dressed as himself and he uses his own finish.
this company is so weird man. They've moved heaven and earth because people got sick, but they didn't actually change the match layout