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You're right that it doesn't matter so much what people 'know' it matters what people can prove but plenty of people are acquitted or have cases thrown out despite inconsistencies in the accused' story. It's the lack of evidence for the opposite view that often kills it off but it depends on standards. The oft-touted 'CSI Effect' is an example of the problem with assigning lower weight than is due to non-forensic evidence; people have been acquitted on charges by juries because, despite there being elements of doubt in the defense and other strong circumstancial evidence, TV has shown jurors that forensic evidence is the only evidence worth anything so in its absence, refuse to convict. If your only standard is objective or forensic evidence, well, most people will get off and it does ignore the strength of other evidence.What prior history and what constant change of excuses ?
Do you seriously think if Harbhajan's story was a full of holes as your are implying, Judge John Hansen wouldn't have seen through that ?
Not saying this of you but I wonder how many people would have been calling him a 'respected judge' if he'd ruled against India?A respected high court judge has heard whatever evidence there is and deemed Harbhajan
to be not guilty of the charge. Everyone deserves the presumptions of innocence until guilt is proven. Harbhajan is no different.