swede said:
staggering that you admit you dont care how many are actually killed in wars, just because wars are "wrong"
That says a lot about your brutally theoretical approach to the world.
I, however, dont care about which "phase" capitalism is in.
Its just theories.
And still,
there have never been fewer wars in history and
the chance of dying in a war has never been smaller
this is fact and it includes the entire world.
And poverty is also in steep decline.
This shouldnt be looked at relatively. the rich are getting richer, perhaps even quicker than the poor, but the poor are also getting richer and they are at a level where it really matters.
One of my best buddies is a vietnam vet. I know 4 other guys who've served in one war or another. Including the last gulf war. And guess what ? There were human rights abuses, rampantly might i add, even by the so-called 'good guys'.
You are trying to make wars safer ? what the hell is that ?
War itself is insanity in first place. And you are trying to put sanity into insanity ?!?
It is a testament to humanity's barbarity that almost every single invention from time immemorial has been incorporated into warfare and killing before it found any benevolent purpose. The motto of humanity is : " Hey look- i invented this amazing device. Now lets see if we can kill more people with it than before". I dont care about making warfare safer-simply because it legitimises warfare. I care about eliminating warfare.
You keep talking about stuff like i did 4-5 years ago before i took it upon myself to educate myself from a neutral perspective.
Despite understandings of various nobel lauriates in economics, reports from the IRS and simple logic, you keep toting the media line of 'capitalism works and capitalists are the good guys' claptrap.
Simply because you think that a theory, nomatter how straightforward, is irrelevant and dubious if it isnt practically tested.
Well in that case, you wouldnt mind stuffing a C4 block up your rear end and sit on a canister of gasoline and then start heating the gasoline, would you ?
Remember - i am pretty sure that such an action has never been tested and even though the outcome is elementary and straightforward, it is still theory, correct ?
So you wanna volunteer ?
As per poverty being in steep decline, which planet do you live on ? There are more hungry , shelterless and dying people today than at
any point in human history. Even in several nations where population growth hasnt been a big factor.
Capitalism is about disproportionate and wasteful allocation of resources - there is no denying that. And the logical extension of that is eventually, the poor will get poorer and the rich will get richer.
Your name is Swede and if you are really posting from Sweden, i dont expect you to understand this. Simply because, when it comes to sustainable economic modelling with a compassionate eye, Scandinavia is at the forefront today. It is pretty hard for Norweigians, Swedes, Danish, etc. to understand what i am on about because their economies are remarkably stable and based on common sense and group perspective than any other nation's. And ironically,( that is, if you really are Swedish), you are advocating capitalism while sitting in one of the most socialist of all democratic countries on this planet.
If the rest of the world approached economic planning as Sweden or Norway, it would go a long long way to help humanity. But unfortunately, it doesnt work that way for the rest of the world and financial behemoths like America, India, etc. ( in terms of gross financial wealth) are far far worse.
The poor cannot get richer from a global perspective as long as capitalism is in place. Simply because, the fundamental driving force of capitalism is to produce goods at a far cheaper price than what they are sold at. This automatically implies that the production centers have to be significantly behind financially than the sales centers. And it is NOT sustainable, partly owing to population growth and partly owing to the flawed and shortsighted economic model called capitalism.
I dont believe in communism or absolute equal distribution of funds but the mean deviation is way way too much to make any sort of logical or compassionate sense. Its understandable if someone is 10x richer than the average because of his/her brilliance. It is NOT understandable if someone is 10000x richer than the average, simply because that is far too skewered and disproportionate distribution of resources. And no, no one is entitled to 'earn' as much as he/she can given that there are zillions of starving poor people on this planet. You should NOT be entitled to a 10 bedroom palace in midst of a sea of ramshackle huts.