greg said:
Africa - where to begin?
The Mongol Empire?
The Moors in Europe?
The Ottoman Empire?
Saddam Hussein
Imperial Japan
How are you defining "barbarity etc". And it was you who used the word "indisputably", "no debate" "don't bother trying".
Stick to one sphere of cultural influence at a time.
You have pre Columbine Americas, Europe, Middle East, Subcontinent, Far East, Oceania, Northen Africa, Western Afria and Southern Africa.
Now, compare the Mongol Empire with the British - there isnt much difference and the British Empire was arguably far worse ( both did butchery and barbarity of unimaginable scales but it was the Mongol Kublai Khan who sent peace envoys and ships laden with goodies to be exchanged for knowledge- Britain did no such thing- just simply used force and neither did the Mongols subject an entire race to utter humiliation and barbarity).
Imperial Japan ? far better track record than America.
The Moors in Europe ? What exactly they did that can be constituted as worse than rest of europe ? Yes, they invaded- but Entire Europe has been 'grab one's land when one is weak' philosophy- the Moors brought with them education, literature and technology and without the Moors, you wouldnt have had the industrial revolution.
What the Taleban did for less than a decade is what the west did for hundreds of years - brutal subjugation of women, brutal repression of theological diversity and 'eye for an eye' attitude.
Please show me a culture that has its roots in as much depravity as Europe has-
1. Subjugation of entire races due to laughably insecure notions of superiority( no other place barring parts of Arabia has ever had racial superiority indoctrinated into the general populace).
2. Burning people with different theological values on the stake (apart from the Arabs, nobody has ever done such a thing on such a massive scale).
3. Massive escalation in sectarian and religious warfare in the east
after the west showed up and instilled its far more flawed ideologies.
4. Marching thousands of miles and invading someone else's homeland in the name of God and spilling blood in the name of God- welcome to the Crusades. ( the west and the middle east are the ONLY examples, thanks to the diabolical notion called monotheism)
5. Perpetrating artificial famines in its colonies by forcing the labourers to farm cash crops such as cotton, indigo, jute, etc. instead of food crops ( other nations have colonised in the past but there is no historical evidence of ANY non-western nation perpetrating artificial famines simply due to its greed of resources and utter disdain for the native population).
6. Cold blooded genocide of the native americans - nowhere else in the history of mankind has the indegenous people of a land been genocided with such clinical efficiency. On top of that, most of the Native cultures( barring the Aztecs) were remarkably pacifistic.
7. You give me Saddam Hussein, I give you Stallin, Hitler and 90% of western monarchs - your beloved queen Elizabeth the First and the genocide of the Irish under her and Oliver Cromwell. Imagine the genocide of the Kurds by Saddam, multiply by a few orders of magintude and you have the supposedly virgin queen.
8. The evolution and perfection of the fundamental tool of western civilization in maintaing economic superiority- capitalism.
9. Tendency to plagiarise anything and everything as western discoveries - from the Americas to Newton's law, medicine, etc.
10. The single biggest source of devastation of nature and ecology.
11. Support of absolute genociders and active installation of despots simply due to their economic greed.
Anything remotely on the same scale and level of depravity comming out any other cultural sphere in its history ?
The west is changing- slowly. But contrary to popular beleifs, its neither better morally, nor has it erased its historical blot.
So get off your high horse and face the facts please. I ask you again, on the same scale, what compares with the depravity of the western culture over the last 2000 years ?
Just the trans-atlantic slavery alone puts it head and shoulders above the rest in terms of nefariousness, nevermind the several other instances of brutality.
The reason you see gangs like KKK, Aryan Nation, British Israelism, etc. still commanding a big support base in the west is because the west has never openly and honestly addressed its past. It tried doing so in the Hippie era but got clamped down pretty fast by the powers that be.
Until you can accept the role of a certain cultural sphere in history, you cannot improve on it. Any improvement otherwise is purely cosmetic as it is essentially in the west( please check up on drug experimentations, conduct of western multinationals and its governments in overseas affairs to THIS DAY!).
PS: I am not justifying any of the depravity done by the rest- take care to note that. I am however, comparing the historical past of each cultural zone and if it isnt clear to you that the western cultural zone over the last 2000 years is far far more nefarious than the rest of the world put together, i think you really need to study human history in greater detail.