Here are the (updated) rules:
12 hour timeouts
No Bradman
please @ the next player up, but it is only required when making a challenge (steal) for their player
Snake order every 2 rounds, randomized, with round 11 also being randomized.
Each player will start with 4 points, and will gain an additional 3 points after the completion of round 5.
What do you do with these points? You can challenge (steal), or override the challenge of another drafter. It costs 1 point to challenge for another drafter's pick, but you must do so before the next person makes their pick. It costs 2.5 points to override the challenge of another player. You are not eligible to challenge if you have already made a selection for that round, but remember challenging can allow you to skip the queue! In addition, if a player's pick has already been stolen in a given round, that player's next pick within that round cannot be stolen. Finally, a pick that has already been stolen, cannot be stolen again. Points for all unsuccessful challenges are simply lost, so do keep that in mind as well.
When using your points to challenge, please also include what your current point total is, and always @ the member who made the pick. So if you made a challenge at the beginning of the game your post could look something like this:
Challenge ( or Steal ) for Mark Ramprakash
Current point total: 3
@billybollocks ( the player who made the initial pick )