Guyana have negotiated their first trade for Season Six with Glamorgan. Guyana traded star four day bowler and one day batsman Younis Cole and one day spinner Umar Swanton for Glamorgan pair Z McDonald and Y Engineer.
Guyana manager Kyle Wright said that while he was sad to see such a fine player of Cole's ability go, the temptation to improve the wicket keeping facet of the team and to have a bowler able to make both the one day and four day sides was too good to not persue.
"I am a great fan of Younis' work and he has been our best player for the last two seasons, and I had hoped he would be with us for a very long time.
"But I am the manager of the side and it is my responsibility to improve the side and make it more competitive and ultimately the best side in the competition, and this trade definately improves our side. McDonald has been in great touch this season with Glamorgan and Engineer is bowling extremely well in the four day game, and we feel we can offer his a spot to play in our on day side aswell." Mr. Wright said.
Mr. Wright also explained his disapointment at not being able to get in contact with a manger of Northerns' to negotiate some trades.
"Yeah, it has been frustrating for sure, we have a number of players to offer Northerns and we are only after one of their players, so we think it will benefit both sides, but what can you do when you can't get in contact with someone who can deal with this sought of thing?
"My main fear is that when a manager does become available, we may lose out to someone who gets in before us, it is not the ideal situation, but I'm sure things will work out for the best." Mr. Wright said.