I think the extent to which a person utlises their inherent talent, is, in of itself, a talent too.
This is probably a bit too general and philosophical and wishy-washy for this subforum, but it is weird how we all find people who lack in this aspect far more frustrating than those who lack in physical, visual, apparent talent.
Like, someone with great natural gifts for sport but who doesn't use them is so much more frustrating to us than someone who doesn't have the same natural gifts, but is super hardworking and disciplined. A great strokemaker with bad shot selection pisses us off, a guy with great shot selection but just 3 strokes is celebrated. If they are both natural talents, then why do we feel this way? Isn't that inconsistent?
It's the same reason behind why I get super frustrated with the BD team - it's clear the guys have so much natural cricket talent, but they don't seem to have that mindset that you need to fight it out in tough situations.
I think it's because we all believe in Free Will - that we are in charge of controlling our actions, and therefore anyone who doesn't make the smartest decisions -be it in training, or during the game- is essentially choosing to waste their talent. They don't want to succeed badly enough to make the right choices. They're okay with unfulfilled potential. We all seem to believe that you don't pick how much natural talent you have, but you pick what you end up doing with it.
At the same time, however, we recognise that some people are just born hungrier than others. With more drive and ambition, willing to go to further lengths to succeed. And we also appreciate that some people are born with stronger minds - better suited to handling pressure, not as easily broken by adversity, calm in the face of crisis. We recognise these as also being natural gifts that can supplement, if not overcome, natural born talent.
Then why does it frustrate us when a naturally talented body isn't born to a naturally talented mind, and not the other way around?
I think it's because we believe those intangible mental qualities and personality traits can be taught and improved, with no limit to the extent of how far we can go, but the physical ones are capped by our genetics. We feel that we can train our minds to work harder and make the right decisions, that we can make the right lifestyle choices and stick to them, that this is all within our reach...but being a gifted athlete? That is decided at birth.
I think the capacities of our mind are capped by genetics too tbh. It's only logical that they would be. Some people are just born with a mind that enables them to do things with their physical talent than another equally physically talented player cannot. Look at Dravid for instance. Apparently he was a thoroughly mediocre school cricketer. We see him as an inspiration because he took limited physical talent and overcame them through sheer hard work and hunger. But what if that mindset he hat was a gift too. The average person will never have Dravid's mind, just like the average person will never outrun Usain Bolt.
I think the ability of one to make the most of their talent, is a talent within itself. And what that means is that maybe my Bangladeshi boys are just not that talented after all.